Down to five choices, and want to get some opinions on these specifically. D-day is Friday when I get the paycheck that allows me to buy my new ball. I hope I'm not bugging you all with my questions, but I like to be SURE when I buy something that's gonna cost me over a hundred bucks. Here is what I have come up with, in no particular order:
Absolute Inferno
Big Deal
Big Time
Rule GP2
Morich WMB
Thoughts? I was talking yesterday to one of the really good bowlers on my league, who works at the center, and he recommended the WMB, so that's a last minute addition. I'm a tweener with medium revs, and I need something to throw in the heavy oil, I don't have anything stronger than my Sling Blade as of now, and it doesn't cut it in the thick stuff, at least not all the time.