I keep score in practice because I am putting myself under the same pressure to succeed as if I were in league or a tournament. League does not cause me to feel any additional pressure. In fact I prefer to bowl anchor and have the shot matter for the team. That way I am not thinking as much about my own score.
One of the most frequent comments I have gotten from others after I felt I blew a 300, is that I wouldn't want to do it in practice anyway, but that is not true at all. The only difference between practice and league to me is that in league I have to wait longer to deliver my next shot. Call it selfish or call it nerves of steel, or just knowing my teammates well, but when I am up on the approach I do not worry about what my teammates will think of me or what they'll say if I don't come through. I DO sometimes worry about what I will tell myself if that happens.
Case in point, the 298 that prompted this post. I had nothing to worry about in terms of missing...since it was practice and I would not be getting a ring or any other kind of recognition. Didn't matter. I WANTED it. And if I can do it in practice, I will feel less pressure if I find myself in the same situation in league.
I have strung 5,6,7 and even 9 or 10 or more strilkes together often enough (including league play), and although it's more satisfying in league, I can honestly say that I felt no additional pressure. So when I am practicing, I am working on my mental state as much as any mechanics, and this is why I was kind of upset about the 298. I was within reach of a goal and failed. Sometimes the goal is simply to finish strong or over a certain score. But once you have the first 11, there is no longer any grey area. You either pass or fail.
Had I thrown a well delivered ball that was just as good as the first 11, and two pins remained standing anyway, that would have been ok. My problem is that I knew as soon as I was delivering the ball that it was no good. And that's the situation I want to avoid next time.
I want my 12th shot to be as good as most or all of the 11 that preceeded it. I want to be able to shut off my brain for the 12th shot the way I did for the first 11. Each time (of the 5 near misses) I have gone deeper into the game before allowing myself to think about the possibility of a perfect game. If I compare it to a clock, the first time I was able to get to about 11:55pm before the thoughts creeped in (9th/10th balls). Then about 18 months ago, I got to 11:57 (11th ball). And this time, I actually was ok when I was on the approach and just as I was about to deliver the ball, the thought (of a perfect game) was there.
Maybe next time, I should go for a strong drink or something before the 12th delivery. It's almost as if I am in a hurry to throw the 12th shot before the pins wise up and do something to stop me (like holding hands!).
Anyway... if I didn't keep score in practice and rattled off 10 or so strikes in a row, it would mean nothing ause I would feel no pressure. And then in league I would not be able to tell mysef that I had done this before.