Integrity. What is integrity really?
Bones says that it is an "adherence to a set of rules". My dad told me that integrity was doing the right thing, even when no one else is watching.
Can you really take integrity from an inanimate object like the sport/game/recreation of bowling? Here is what I think, even if it is impracticle.
1. I think that once or twice a week league bowlers SHOULD have a pretty easy shot. We all have jobs we work at, and for these people, bowling is supposed to be an enjoyable escape. If it is hard, it probably isn't any fun for a beginner. This level of bowling should be classified as a GAME and should be played as such with easy conditions and rules.
2. I think that higher average bowlers who crave a tougher shot and tougher competition SHOULD be able to find that. I think there should be leagues and tournaments designed for just that reason. If it is a bit harder, most of these people would look at it as a challenge to their talents and work to reach their goals on the tougher conditions.
3. I don't think open bowlers know the difference, nor do they care. They just want to relax, have a drink or two, fellowship with their friends that came with them, and have a laugh or two at the expense of their friends and get laughed at. The game itself matters not to these people, they could have just as easily went to the putt-putt course instead.
I used to complain abouteasy conditions too, until I realized that they weren't so easy for everybody, just those that took the time and effort to learn the game. Those who don't got just as left behind as ever.
Bowling has to be broken down into several categories, but we as bowlers also need to understand that at times those categories must necessarily overlap, and league bowling is where it happens the most often. If you want harder league conditions, use a urethane or a plastic(polyester) ball. You will lose for a while until your average comes back into focus, but I guarantee it will make you a better bowler overall.
Brunswick will soon own the world.
You must face it.
There is no escape.
Edited on 3/26/2005 4:53 PM