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Author Topic: 10 Pin Formulas  (Read 3214 times)


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10 Pin Formulas
« on: October 07, 2003, 04:51:43 PM »
Hi all,

I've been shooting the 10 pin without issue lately, but last night was an effing disaster! I missed 4 of them!! 3 in the first game, 1 in the second!!

The wierd thing is, I've been nailing that pin lately problem,...and last night it was like I've never played the game ?!?!

Anyhow.........after thinking about it.....I realized that the first game I had fast feet,...had to be a timing issue,..just didn't feel "right" , or left for that matter

2 questions:
Do I concern myself with a major flaw all of the sudden in my game, of just blow it off as a bad night with bad timing.....

And,....what's your formula, or where do you start (please explain what foot you mark with) and where do you throw/aim ?

I know we've talked about this before, but it's FRESH right now...wish it wasn't ...but it is !!

btw, I do use plastic

Thanks !

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Edited on 10/8/2003 8:42 AM



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Re: 10 Pin Formulas
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2003, 08:13:48 AM »
Use Plastic.
target 4th arrow.
open stance. Hips,shoulders,feet.
start with left foot at 38. end about 38. When I can walk straight.

then I use the 3,6,9 adjustments for single pin spares. for the 6,10. I move a board and a half from the ten pin spot.

the only thing I do out of the ordinary is the 3-6-9-10, i Line up about 15 target 1st arrow and jump on the plastic ball. i probably pick up 80 pct of this leave.

Of coarse bad timing and improper execution means an open. When I execute I hardly miss more than one a night. Then there are nights like last monday where I made 2 out of 5.
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"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: 10 Pin Formulas
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2003, 08:38:26 AM »

i watch the game a lot. Sometimes i dont perform to the way i want, but can usually help other people more than myself.


i notice that most people that miss right side spares dont follow through towards there targets. They cut the ball short(dont follow through). When you get up on the approach tell yourself-follow through. Ask one of your teammates to watch carefully and see if you are.

hope this helps.
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Re: 10 Pin Formulas
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2003, 08:42:44 AM »
I certainly never miss this spare by much.

Last week I missed 4 of 6 by a total of less than 1 inch for all the misses.

The week before I missed 6 of 7 by a total of maybe one and a half inches.

Every shot looks great and most misses make the pin wiggle!!!

My technique is perfect and except for actually hitting the pin I may be the most consistent 7 pin shooter in the country.

Last season over 150 misses total inches missed probably 70.  HELP ME PLEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEE!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

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Re: 10 Pin Formulas
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2003, 10:16:04 AM »
Jeff, dont worry about it much. But if the troubles continue, just take your time and relax. My formula that has worked is to stand on 38, walk straight, target between 4th and 5th arrow (board 23) and voila, there goes the 10 pin.
Good Luck!!
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Re: 10 Pin Formulas
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2003, 11:55:26 AM »
Not to say that I don't get in a funk every now and then, but here is what I do...
 1) Plastic is the best investment I've made bowling in a long time. It allows you to throw the ball in a natural way without over-reacting on the dry you find out there. Besides $35 for a W/D + drilling will pay for itself many times over with bracket money...
 2)I always tried crossing the middle arrow going completely cross-lane, but I was still missing more than I liked. So after some thought I figured out that the ball returns length in different houses were longer and made me throw kind of bound up. I figured with the ten-pin being the most difficult single-pin spare that I should toss it in my general comfort area since the above-mentioned W/D goes straight.

 3) I line up at 28 (8 bds left of center) walk slightly towards the target and throw a slightly weaker than normal release over 14-15. The key for me is doing it without effort. Just roll the ball. It will hold. It won't over-react. Same speed.

 4) It makes all the difference when you take the oil out of play with plastic, and by playing the shot in an area similar to my natural line I increase my % of makes.

 5) Last but not least, no matter where I bowl....It is always the same, which is huge in the tournys.
  With all that being said I would say go out practice throwing at just corner pins. You don't want to lose confidence or have self-doubt next you need one to win your match. Everytime I miss one (7 or 10) I make myself throw one game of nothing but...Also you can play the low-game. In case you aren't familiar bowl a whole game trying to get as few pins as possible with a gutter shot giving you a 10-count. Lowest score for each frame is 2. Cannot shoot at the same side of lane both times in any one frame. Lotsa fun!  Good Luck


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Re: 10 Pin Formulas
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2003, 12:35:14 PM »
I do shoot the 10-7 pin game fairly often.  When I practice, I'll usually end my set with that does help.

I've been real busy lately so practicing hasn't been as often as I'd like....

Thanks for the tip.  Before the season I had re-vamped my 10 pin shot and it sounds similar to yours.

I stand left foot on 35 , slightly angle my shoulders and walk to the target and shoot the third arrow

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Re: 10 Pin Formulas
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2003, 01:36:27 PM »
I've gotten to the point where the only time I miss a 10 pin is when I try too hard. It's gotten EASY if I keep the brain cells out of the shot.
I line up slightly different depending on the house - I always shoot a few in practice if I'm in a new center. For most of my leagues, however, I line up with left foot somewhere around 33-35, slight tilt - and baby the PLASTIC ball up 15.
that's it. No more, no less. any more, and I will miss. Guaranteed.
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Re: 10 Pin Formulas
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2003, 03:56:46 PM »
I finish near the gutter and target just inside the 4th arrow.  Plastic with a flat wrist.  Ron C got me to lead with my ring finger.  When you hear "thump thump thump" you know you did it right.  Dead straight.  Probably don't need plastic, but why beat up my strike ball.

Usually when I miss, it's because of fast feet or standing up on the shot.  Even on a 10, you need to keep your head at the target.
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Re: 10 Pin Formulas
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2003, 05:32:40 PM »

I wouldnt worry about it unless it happens again.  


I have just the opposite problem.  I find that I will miss the tenpin because I followed thru.  I have to short-arm my follow thru to get it to go straighter at the ten, or it will hook by it.
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