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Author Topic: 10InThePit shoot 300 again  (Read 807 times)

Doc Hollywood

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10InThePit shoot 300 again
« on: April 30, 2004, 10:53:33 PM »
For those that remember 10InThePit, He just sent me an email that he just shot another 300 game.

Here is what he said:

Hello again Doc, Ronnie here.  I was just going to let you know that I shot another 300 game on April 12th, at Enterprise Lanes in Benton, Arkansas.  Yes, I'm still using the Storm Trauma Response that has well beyond 800 games on it now!  Of course, I still keep the ball treated with the Elixer, and give it an occasional rescuffing.

Out of curiousity, I contacted the ABC to find out if I could purchase the standard 300 ring for my latest 300, given that I had already received a 300 ring for my 300 that I shot back on February 19th.  What ABC told me is that yes, I can go back and purchase ANY award for my latest 300 game.....they said that the 300 ring would run me $75 to buy outright.  And, I was considering picking up the 300 plaques for my 4 300 games now, and they said that this too was an option, but the 300 plaques cost $75 each!  As for my 2 299 games and my 298 game, I could purchase those plaques for $40 each.  Anyway, I found it interesting to find out that even though I might have shot multiple honor scores of the same value in one season, I could still go back and purchase an award if I wanted to.  Given that I don't shoot 300 games very often, I'll definitely go back and purchase the 300 ring for my second 300 this season.  So, although bowlers are limited to one "freebie" award of each value per ABC fiscal year (August 1 through July 31), you can still go back and get the awards in cases where you shoot multiple award scores of the same value.  I had always thought that you could only get one award for each score value per year (which is true for the freebie's), but this doesn't apply if you decide to purchase the awards for multiple scores.

Anyway, keep the Elixer coming.  I'll be sending you a check for another order soon.


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Re: 10InThePit shoot 300 again
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2004, 05:05:40 PM »
Congratulations Ronnie.  Good to hear you're still out there.
Penn State Proud

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