Unfortunately because of the great bowling ball technology and the way too easy lane conditions that are prevelant all over the country, there are these type bowlers everywhere, in every house. If the shot gets tough, these "scratch" bowlers move to another house where they have more "talent".
Nobody wants to learn the sport anymore, all the nuances, the little tricks. Just drill me a ball so I can stand here, look here, and strike every time.
Ya know this is the slow time of the year, and He knows I need to make a few bucks, but I have lost 3-4 ball sales because after watching bowler X, I told him where to stand and where to look, and after the "I don't like standing there" quote, they proceed to get 4-5-6 in a row and suddenly have found a new toy. (One guy did tip me $40)
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Storm Pro Shop Staff Member
Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!
Onward through the Storm!!!!
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