Bowled my first tournament of the year in St.Johnsbury, VT (a 3 hour trek away from my neck of Massachusetts). It's a typical little singles/doubles/teams tournament called the Gold Crown Open, a small little 16 lane center and run over multiple weekends in December. We decided to bowl all 9 games on the last day of the tournament. I shot 1958 for 9 games (649 in teams, 672 in singles, 637 in doubles). Inside of 11 was a flood, outside of 3 was out of bounds, so the shot was typically 10 to 5 with high ball speed. You needed shiny resin to carry well, and even then it could be a challenge. Strong mid-lane reaction, decent back ends but not overly strong. I was able to use my Hot Wire most of the day, on the first pair I saw a breakdown in oil quick so I moved to my Barrage in game two and then back to the Hot Wire (taking more off the ball) for game three. In singles we moved to the higher end of the house and I saw more oil down there, so I was able to use the Rule for two games, then moved to the Hot Wire after leaving 4 solid 7 pins with different line/speed/release adjustments. Set three was all the Hot Wire on the first pair of the house...
I was happy with my scores, only opens were splits, had 3 clean games. Saw a guy from Barre, VT shoot his first 800 series ever (bowled against us) but no 300's all day...
How have you guys been doing in tournament action this year?
Edited on 12/23/2004 3:32 AM