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Author Topic: 14 lb ball carry ok?  (Read 10148 times)


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14 lb ball carry ok?
« on: April 23, 2009, 07:40:23 AM »
So, a little history.  In the past I would always throw 16lb.  Started buying 15lb stuff and carry was good but 16lb seemed to carry better. I stuck with 15lb because i'm getting older.
I'm looking for a ball that will complement my Resurgence.  I was told the Rival is probably the best.  My dilemma is, I can get a used 16lb Rival but the extra pound may affect my speed and will probably hook the same as the Resurgence.  I can also get a used 14lb Rival. I would be able to throw a little faster and wouldn't hook as much as the Resurgence.  Problem is, how will the drop in weight affect my carry?
For those that made the drop in weight, how did it affect your carry?  Your average?


14lb Rival has been ordered and is on its way.  Now another question, shall i have it drilled the same as my Resurgence or shall i drill it a little weaker?
This will be my goto ball after the lanes have broken down, heads are drying up and the Resurgence is hooking too much.

Edited on 4/28/2009 3:19 PM



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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2009, 05:19:26 PM »
went from 16lbs to 14 and carry hasnt changed!


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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2009, 10:49:53 PM »
unless you are a high rev player and/or can achive a much greater angle of entry into the pocket you would be better off sticking to a ball heavier than 14lbs. on oiler lanes the heavier ball is the only way to go.


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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2009, 12:07:36 PM »
Thanks for the info.  I would only be throwing the Rival after the lanes break down and the Resurgence is hooking too much.  So I'm thinking 14lbs might be the best way to go.  The ball will still hook because lanes are drying out plus i can throw a little harder to get thru the heads.


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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2009, 08:38:25 AM »
Generally the lower the rev rate and the straighter one plays, 14lbs can have carry issues(affected me and went back to 15lbs). The higher the rev rate, their doesn't seem to be any carry issues and sometimes an increase can occur. Norm Duke still uses 16lbs for a reason playing up the boards as entry angle is not the same as when wheeling the lane.
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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2009, 11:16:11 AM »
I waited until today to reply to this topic, waiting to see what others have said. Here is my experience.

 Several years ago ( 15 to be exact ), I went from 16lb to 15lb when I switched to a full resin compliment of equipment. The resin hit so hard that I noticed no difference after I got used to the reaction, averaging just as much, if not more, than before. Then, I hurt my wrist at work.

 A friend had a 14lb AMF XS (yes, the white ball), so I traded for it to see if I could throw 14's and if they would strike. Soon, my average actually went up because I was more accurate with the 14's than before. The 14lb balls also seemed to hit plenty hard enough, and the only difference I could tell was on "off" hits where I had thrown a ball that shouldn't have struck anyway.

 After a year or so, I went back up to 15lb equipment, why I don't know ( I think it was because it was easier to find used 15lb balls than 14lb balls), but my average never changed.

  This year, I have made the decision to go back down to 14lb equipment. I can generate more ball speed naturally with the lighter weight balls, and that is what the strong resin balls like with my release strength.

 I've shot one 300 game and lots of high 700 series with 14lb equipment and wouldn't go back to them if I had any doubts, because I don't have to this time, I am choosing to.

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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2009, 11:54:14 AM »
I will try and find the issue, but Bowling This Month did a test back about 3-4 years ago. The had a female pro throw a 14, 15 and 16. All thre balss had same top weight, pin distance and were drilled exactly the same. Overall, she preferred the 16 because she could slow it down in heavy oil, but test results showed that the 14 lb had the highest carry percentage of the three overall. It did not carry the solid shots as well but carried the higher and lighter strikes better. I will look for the issue and post the date. I also switched to 14 4 years ago and have 3/4 of my 800's and 6/10 of my 300's.
J. Helton
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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2009, 12:31:59 PM »
Although I dont neccesarily agree with the weight being lower it is better(the lady may of not been strong enough to get the ball to work properly(speed/rev match up and in that it didnt do what it was needed to carry). However you give the same test to say a guy just out of the military(typical beefed up strong guy stereo type if you will) he will more then likely prefer a 16lb ball as the others will feel like feathers in his hand... I know personally I can not throw a 14 or lower BUT I can switch between 15 and 16 without an issue and actually use both so I can change the look when one doesnt carry many times changing weights will give me that different look I want. Also you say you changed 4yrs ago or some before then but you also need to consider ball technology since then a 14 today and a 14 a few years ago are not 1 in the same in many cases. For instance I will use Morich balls for this 2000 he came out with the labryth basic particle with a wedge weight block a few years later he came out with the vanguard core which IMO is a much better core now he came out with the ezrev core(havent tried so I can not comment on it but I hear it is yet stronger and better for some players....


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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2009, 01:28:30 PM »
i use 14 pounds and the carry could be better i leave 5 pins sometimes and they aren't even swishing. I am not saying it's a bad idea but you need to pretty much pure every shot... before I toned my game down from robert smith type revs I would leave 8 10s and just trip the 8 to leave a weak 10 so you must pure almost every shot


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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2009, 01:53:31 PM »
i use 14 pounds and the carry could be better i leave 5 pins sometimes and they aren't even swishing. I am not saying it's a bad idea but you need to pretty much pure every shot... before I toned my game down from robert smith type revs I would leave 8 10s and just trip the 8 to leave a weak 10 so you must pure almost every shot

Pure every shot?  I don't think so...

After bowling last season with entirely 15# equipment and this season almost completely with 14# my average hasn't been affected.  I might roll the ball pretty consistently, but I don't have to "pure" it.


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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2009, 02:04:28 PM »
My friend and double partner had surgery on his wrist and he's gone from 15lbs down to 10lbs and worked his way back up to 14lbs and has decided to stop there. His ball carry is super. He basically kicked our arse. He lives at the pay window. smile


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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2009, 02:20:02 PM »
according to rick benoit, brunswick ball rep on the pba tour, over 70% of the touring pros use 15lb. equipment. while there are a few who use 14lb. equipment the rest use 16lb. equipment.

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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2009, 03:17:28 PM »
Do any of you throwing the 14 lbers have to go to a stronger hooking ball &/or layout because of the increased speed &/or revs of the lighter weigh?  I'm asking because I may go down to 14 because of arthritis & carpel tunnel issues.  Thanks in advance.
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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2009, 03:33:55 PM »
Do any of you throwing the 14 lbers have to go to a stronger hooking ball &/or layout because of the increased speed &/or revs of the lighter weigh?  I'm asking because I may go down to 14 because of arthritis & carpel tunnel issues.  Thanks in advance.

Dropping a pound does not mean you'll automatically start throwing the ball any faster.  All things being equal, you'd have to move your feet faster...


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Re: 14 lb ball carry ok?
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2009, 04:00:59 PM »
one problem i did have was after having 4 shoulder surgeries on my bowling arm, i did have a tendency to over throw it at 1st. i was throwing it thru the break point so i had to slow my arm swing down and relax the shoulder. when i did that, i got more revs, plus i was more accutate with better pin carry. i can tell when i speed it up, it just flattens out.