I didn't want to step on someone else's topic so I'm starting my own. Due to some extreme frustration and possibly some burn out I'm going to switch to left handed for at lest one official league. I might bowl righty also this summer, but I'm undecided. I've always thrown it well lefty, but never had anything fitted for me. I took the plunge and bought two balls to get me going. 15# always seemed heavy for me plus spans, pitches, shoes.... were never going to work, so I got a 14# Diva from the Black Friday sale and a 14# True Blood from a member here (thanks Charlest!). Hopefully in the next week or two I'll have the chance to get them drilled. Plastic was always plenty strong for me in the past, but between dropping weight and getting a proper drilling I'm hoping my speed (and accuracy) will improve. My goal is to average 175 for the summer and hope to be pushing 200 by the end of the first full winter. My form is actually better left handed (never learned any bad habits I suppose) but accuracy, especially left handed spares will be a challenge at first. Even with my disaster year and half stretch I'm going through I've never dreaded going to the bowling alley, but for the first time in a while, I'm actually excited. Here's a picture of the "arsenal".

Hopefully black and mostly pink will be good for me!