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Author Topic: 15 lb vs. 16 lb decision  (Read 1674 times)


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15 lb vs. 16 lb decision
« on: June 12, 2003, 07:15:37 PM »
I know alot of information has been posted about the benefits of 15 lb vs. 16 lb balls, but I've got to make a decision soon about the following:

I used to bowl regularly in youth leagues until I was 16 (10 years ago.)  I was using a 16 lb purple hammer at the time.  I just started back bowling a few months ago (absolutely loving it), and picked up a 16lb Storm X-Factor Deuce.  I really like the ball and I'm averaging pretty well for taking 10 years off,  ~185 in a summer league.  A few weeks ago I was given a 15 lb Storm Ultra Hot, which I also like and throw well.  Here's my question -

I've got an opportunity to get a new X-Factor or X-Factor Deuce by playing in a tournament that costs 170 bucks, ball included.  Pretty good deal, in my opinion.  But I'm trying to decide if I should stick with 16 lb equipment or drop to 15 lb.  This could be an opportunity to get a 15 lb Deuce and have a direct comparison with my 16 lb Deuce.  But then I'm passing on an opportunity to add an X-Factor to my arsenal (15 or 16.)  I'm having a really hard time deciding what to do.  I feel that if I do drop to 15, I've wasted 200 bucks on the 16 lb Deuce.

Sorry for the long post, but any help/opinions would be greatly appreciated.  Especially if anyone has been in the same spot - just got a new ball, wondered if they made the right choice with weight...  Thanks.



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Re: 15 lb vs. 16 lb decision
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2003, 10:48:23 AM »
I got back in bowling 2 yrs ago after taking 5 off. Had to "rebuild" the arsenal since all my old stuff was urethane (all 16lb.) Started with a Spike HPT (partial to Faball!), 16, then added several others, 3-D Maxxx, Truck,
Black 2001, all 16, until I got a 15 lb. 3-D Violet Pearl, which I thought was a 15 lb. 15oz (as advertised), but was actually 15.15 lb. I was pissed at first
but it turned out to be the best thing actually. I found absolutely no difference in hitting power from my 16's and my accuracy was better with the 15. Alot of people say that 15's will carry better than 16's because they deflect a bit more, but I don't know about that. I think it's all how you throw them. Recently added a Blade Solid (15) and a Blade Pearl (16) to the ever growing arsenal, and I can honestly say the one pound difference between the two is barely noticable. Why? Because my driller has done so many balls for me he's got my specs down pat! Each ball fits perfectly and my release coming out is effortless. I think that's MORE important than deciding between  a 15 or 16. Get yourself a GOOD driller who knows your game! Personally if I was starting from scratch, I would probably go with 15lb exclusively, but if
you buy alot of your stuff online like I did, and you like to get the most for your buck, you'll see that sometimes the 16's can be had for alot less than the 15's. Hope this helps some.

Jesse James

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Re: 15 lb vs. 16 lb decision
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2003, 11:43:16 AM »
Hey Russ,

Don't deprive yourself of a"deal" just because of a preconceived notion that one particular weight group is better than the other! Get and keep all poundages! I posted on this topic before. I currently carry and USE all three weights, and am loving it. I use 14#ers for heavy oil, 15#ers for general use and house shots, and when the conditions fluctuate and become very difficult, I result to 14's and 16's with great effectiveness. If you like the ball, get it and adjust your game accordingly. It's not like you're going to use it ALL the time. Don't pigeon-hole yourself.
  Right now I'm in a very competitive doubles league, where the avg. male bowler is carrying a 205, and the avg woman bowler a 200. I don't have time(translation...frames) to get a desired ball movement by changing hand positions
and foot positions gradually. I need to know that this ball will give me this order to stay competitive in this league. So far it has worked out great! I have been able to just change balls, either dropping in weight or increasing in weight, to improve carry, improve hold, or give myself more length. And so far, not had to make a foot ajustment, while my counterparts routinely take at least two frames to re-sight themselves when the lanes begin to break down. Try it and see.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!

Michael DeSantis

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Re: 15 lb vs. 16 lb decision
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2003, 11:52:48 AM »
I agree with Jesse.  If you can physically handle the various weights, there is no reason why you cannot use various weights.  I used 14, 15 and 16 during leagues in the past and all could perform well for me if I used them right.  I find 16 a bit heavy for me to handle nowadays, so I have stopped using them, but not because the ball weight is inferior to 14 or 15.  People use balls with different surfaces and drillings all the time and make adjustments accordingly.  Ball weights are just another variation available.
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Re: 15 lb vs. 16 lb decision
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2003, 12:19:43 AM »
I guess I may view this a bit differently than others. I switched from 16's to 15's at the advice of a ball rep. My timing, average and general game went in the toilet. I am not a small guy at 6-3 and at the time about 235, benching around 300 when I made the change. That was a lot of the problem. I muscled the 15's much worse and had to try to slow them down or I would go right threw the breakpoint no matter the drilling or surface. I went back to primarily 16's and am still having some timing issues that were created during the year of lighter equipment although have seen some improvements in consistency over the year. I do use 15's for drier conditions where ball speed is an advantage and have 16's drilled for the same if needed. Since I do not know you or your physical game or structure, I would take the advice from someone you trust and really knows you and your game if possible. If there is a really good proshop in your center that is a good place to start or a good coach in the area that know you is another. I have switched guys from 16's to 15's because they fit their physical game better and have made the opposite recommendation to others. If the lighter ball fits you, your score will be better with the lighter equipment, if not, well you could be wasting your money. I wasted close to a grand probably and still have several I have not been able to get rid of.


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Re: 15 lb vs. 16 lb decision
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2003, 10:50:22 AM »
I appreciate the info, guys.

I'm worried about muscling the ball, as well - I'm not quite as big as Tex, but I've been a weightlifter for 9 years and have seen how it has affected my skills in other sports.  It seems the best thing to do would be to experiment for a while with both poundages, and as some have suggested, carry different weights for different conditions and see how that works.  Thanks again,