Have you noticed the shipping charges for items on eBay or elsewhere? Even on sites that offer 'free' shipping, you are still paying for it in the price of the item itself.
If you want to complain about the price of shipping, go to the FedEx and UPS websites and complain there. Every time there is an increase in the cost of gas, they raise the price but when the price of gas goes down, their shipping prices do not. Used to be you could get a ball shipped for a reasonable amount, now look and see what some are charging.
The best way to buy some of these inserts, sleeves and slugs is to buy in volume, because there is going to be a minimum shipping charge and by adding additional items the shipping charge is not very much for more. Buy a couple and see what the total with shipping will be, then go back and add more items, like 30, and see what the total with shipping will be. The cost per item will be more reasonable when you buy more. But, you have to be able to use that many to make it worthwhile to yourself.
Edited to add:
Remember also that shipping charges are going to vary for each person depending upon where the buyer lives and the seller resides. The closer the two are, the lower the shipping will be compared to someone who is further away. Some of us are seeing much higher shipping charges than others.