Some thoughts:
- The ball would probably not flare, if it weren't encountering some friction.
- Shark patterns, like all the PBA patterns, can vary a lot according to the lane machine and the lane surface.
- You can try sanding it with a green or a grey pad to get a smooth 600 or 800 grit surface. Then see how it reacts and what the flare patterns looks like.
It's hard to say without a comparing it to a ball that is working.
- What type of release do you have (nothing in profile)?
Has this ball worked on the Shark pattern before? - What is its current surface?
- How is it drilled?
* The blue World Class, the solid particle, is a relatively strong oiler. For most people I'd expect some movement on a Shark-type pattern, UNLESS you have very high ball speed OR a high ball speed/rev rate ratio or plain low revs.
There are many other possibilities. Without more info, I can't draw any conclusions.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial FAQEdited on 7/13/2008 9:36 PM