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Author Topic: Easy Slide Should Be Banned  (Read 12517 times)


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Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« on: October 25, 2008, 01:53:11 AM »
i think bowlers should be banned from putting easy slide on there shoes. while it may help them it creates hell for others. whenever i bowl against a team that has a bowler(s) that puts easy slide on there shoe, it inevitably ends up on the approach ,and at some point in the night mid-way through my approach ill slip on the offending powder and nearly fall on my face. same thing with other people ive seen. Last night one of the people on my team actually ended up falling and twisting there ankle because of said easy slide on the lane. i mean seriously people, its a safety issue. Am i the only one who sees this? anyways
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason



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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #46 on: October 26, 2008, 05:04:44 PM »
Ucumin--not referring to you.  However having your knee scoped is not having
your knee blown up.  Most scopes are cartilege problems.

Edited on 10/26/2008 5:06 PM


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #47 on: October 26, 2008, 05:21:26 PM »
Ucumin--not referring to you.  However having your knee scoped is not having
your knee blown up.  Most scopes are cartilege problems.

Edited on 10/26/2008 5:06 PM

How about a Grade III MCL tear? Or a comminuted fracture of the right wrist and two metacarpal fractures? I've seen both occur because of EZ-Slide accidents. In the case of the MCL, the guy stuck the second one, the guy slipped and fell on his wrist and hand. Neither bowler was the one using the product.

Regardless, a simple knee scope is too much. ANY injury is too much when it's due to someone else violating a rule on the books.



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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #48 on: October 26, 2008, 05:34:12 PM »
ANY injury is too much when it's due to someone else violating a rule on the books.


and thats the truth
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #49 on: October 26, 2008, 06:05:31 PM »
This doesn't mean there is anthing wrong with the approaches.  I have seen people go to the bathroom with out shoe covers, walk outside or to the snack bar.  And depending on the approaches some can be tacky depending on humidity.  It isn't the Center's fault some people are stupid and don't know how to treat there shoes and use ez slide properly.

There is that also. It happens. Some people have little common sense or never realize what they do JUST MAY affect others.

Mostly, locally, it seems to be the center's fault.

One of our big local centers has synthetic approaches. FOr years they took excellent care of them. Never a problem by anyone. Barely slightly more tacky when it was humid. Last 2 years, they hardly sweep up the garbage open and/or drunk bowlers leave behind, from one day to the next. Major problens with the approaches. Middle of the approach at the foulline is slippery, yet the first 5 boards on the left and the right are both tacky, some making you stop dead!

Oh, as as proof, (this center is Brunswick Zone Carolier, where they hold the US Open every year.) Wes Mallott took a header over the foul line last year, while trying to make a 10 pin. The exact spot where most of us stick, every day and eveyr night, tring to make a 10 pin.

The first 6 years or so after they put in synthetic approaches and lanes there was hardly any problems at all. I suppose it has somehting to do with the cutbacks by Brunswick. Probably affects the maintenance budgets at all centers.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

 We had a person fall from ez slide residue used by opposing bowlers. The HOUSE is liable for keeping people from useing products on their approaches just as they do not allow socks anymore. the moisture from damp feet will cause you to stick.
 So if they want to allow people to use powder/ez slide the you should be able to wear boots or street tennis shoes or plain socks instead of shoes. handmeDN


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #50 on: October 26, 2008, 08:40:22 PM »
Jess-How is a fracture of the wrist a knee problem?  I was just referring
to a vast exaggeration of what a blown up knee is.  It is not a scope.


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #51 on: October 26, 2008, 09:36:16 PM »
Jess-How is a fracture of the wrist a knee problem?  I was just referring
to a vast exaggeration of what a blown up knee is.  It is not a scope.

It's not, but it's still a serious injury.

But if you want to limit it to a discussion of a Grade III MCL tear, I can do that, too. And a MCL tear of that magnitude does qualify as a "blown-up knee."

That's just the ones I've seen happen personally. Prior to meeting my wife, I briefly dated a girl who had bowled in college and who lost all three major knee ligaments in an accident in league a couple of years after she graduated. She believes her injury was caused by a substance on the approach. She went to slide, slipped, caught herself and then stuck and locked it up.



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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #52 on: October 26, 2008, 09:53:00 PM »
That's what I'm saying. I agree with banning ez slide. Blowing my knee out was bad. Yeah I got lucky that nothing torn but when ur knee swells up 10 times the normal size and surgery has 2 be done it sucks no matter how bad


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #53 on: October 27, 2008, 08:12:07 PM »
No an MCL tear is not a blown up knee.  I explained what a blown up knee
is generally considered.  Did you even require surgery, or was rest the
accepted treatment?  By the way, there are 4 major knee ligaments.

Edited on 10/27/2008 8:13 PM


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #54 on: October 28, 2008, 12:53:45 PM »
No an MCL tear is not a blown up knee.  I explained what a blown up knee
is generally considered.  Did you even require surgery, or was rest the
accepted treatment?  By the way, there are 4 major knee ligaments.

Edited on 10/27/2008 8:13 PM

My last post on this...

1) What you call a "blown-up knee" and what doctors recognize as such is apparently different. Surgery, immobilization for a month, two months of intensive rehab and another four months of less strenuous rehab is a significant injury. Just because the ACL, PCL and patellar tendon were not involved doesn't make it any less of an issue. And by the way, if you don't think a tear in a single ligament constitutes a "blown-up knee," tear just the PCL.

2) You seem to be either making excuses for using EZ-Slide, or requiring that injuries reach a certain threshold before you consider them significant. If that is your opinion, it does not matter. The rules have spoken on the issue and all it takes is one bowler who knows what the rule is to trigger enforcement of it. And if you're bowling against me, it will be enforced. Period.



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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #55 on: October 28, 2008, 02:47:03 PM »
I only use it for my thumb, and I make sure to wipe the ball off before my delivery. I have called people on using it on their shoes, and some get a little miffed about it. Most simply don't know it's against the rules.
Me stupid. Me believe anything. Please tell me what to do.


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #56 on: October 28, 2008, 04:43:01 PM »
Everyone I know uses easy slide on their thumbs, go figure.


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #57 on: October 28, 2008, 07:23:08 PM »
The only time I need something like that is in really high humidity.  I mix nu skin with soapstone and I am good for 6 to 8 games plus.  

Drill bits are round.  Thumbs are NOT!


Slick, tacky, wood or synthetic it does not matter your slide is correct with SLSM Designs Bowlers Slide Sock. The Finest Slide Sock on the Planet!!!
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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #58 on: October 28, 2008, 07:39:01 PM »
Do not care anything about ez slide.  Just trying to make the point about
the industry standard of what constitutes a blown up knee.  It usually
is considered substantial damage to at least three ligaments--again nothing
about the patellar tendon.