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Author Topic: 1958 Budweiser Team of St. Louis; 3,858 series  (Read 13818 times)


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1958 Budweiser Team of St. Louis; 3,858 series
« on: May 28, 2014, 03:35:52 PM »
I saw something while at the bowling stadium in Reno that talked about a huge team score shot in 1958.

March 12, 1958, The Budweiser team of St. Louis - featuring future ABC Hall of Famers Ray Bluth, Don Carter, Tom Hennessey, Pat Patterson and Dick Weber - rolled an ABC record 3,858 series in Masters League play at Floriss Lanes in north St. Louis.

That is an average of 771 per man.  In that series two 300's were shot.

Just goes to show, the right ball on the right lane condition thrown by the right style bowler can shoot lights out, no matter what.  Not to mention they were pretty good, too.


Long Gone Daddy

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Re: 1958 Budweiser Team of St. Louis; 3,858 series
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2014, 09:48:53 AM »

Great info.

Funny how this info never comes up when people are whining about the elite players blowing a hole in the pattern at Nationals. Shows that the SPORT of bowling is based heavily on how well a bowler can adjust to changing lane conditions and equipment to score

Scoring pace goes up and down periodically

Shellac scored high because it was a thick soft finish that was not typically oiled.  the balls quickly burned a deep track into the finish that acted like a funnel to the pocket.  There was a reason that nobody saw the need to throw anything but 2 hole conventional balls for so many years.  It was all about dumping the ball into the track with some spin or a full roller.  Powerful releases of today would cause the ball to jump the track. 

A new coat of shellac was mopped on to the lanes every few days.  It probably played tough for a few games.

There really were never a lot of bowlers who seriously pursued the game prior to the introduction of automatic pinsetters.  Those who did scored remarkably well with hard rubber balls.  When lacquer replaced shellac scoring dropped significantly until they started oiling the lacquer.  Lane men didn't really have to wall the shot too much because the oil tracked pretty quickly in the lacquer anyway.  It did put a premium on stronger releases with more end over end roll.   When polyurethane finishes replaced lacquer scoring again dropped until softer balls were introduced, and lane men became even more inventive in applying oil.  Most people today don't really know the history of lane finishes and their impact on scoring and lane conditioning.  Prior to the 60's the ABC was not even concerned about using oil to enhance scores.  A more popular practice had been to physically build a track in the finish to steer balls to the pocket.  Walling with oil was not considered an issue compared to the more blatant practices.       

Ain't that the truth.  People hear what they want to hear and remember what they want to remember when it comes to scoring pace in a given era.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.
