What they are also trying to do is drive out leagues (which is a horrible decision). The shot is based on what they are willing to put out to keep people somewhat happy.
Though the general consensus is AMF/Bowlmor is "driving leagues out," that isn't necessarily true in all cases. And if you believe the CEO, it definitely isn't the case.
I am willing to bet the shot at any AMF/Bowlmor house isn't much different than what that center has typically put out in the past. Weather conditions, bad machine maintenance, traffic on that pair are what usually affects the lane condition.
All that said, I do feel there are policy changes that will eventually affect the shot. At our 40-lane house, the center only oils the lanes the league is bowling on. The shot they put out is just fine. Bowlers can throw a multitude of equipment. This leads me to believe it isn't AMF/Bowlmor telling centers to put zero oil out as a cost savings. But since every league doesn't use all 40 lanes, there will be lanes that will not be oiled as often as others.
Our house starts at lane 1. Some nights leagues get to 34 or 36 (I don't think they get to 40) and some nights the leagues only get to 24 or so. This means the lanes on the big end are not getting oiled enough to even protect the lanes from open play. This is where I feel the big difference will be felt. Maybe not now, but in the near future it will be apparent.