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Author Topic: 1st league night, dry lanes  (Read 19604 times)


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1st league night, dry lanes
« on: September 13, 2013, 07:16:38 AM »
AMF has been sold out...we all know this, but they are also putting out less volume of oil. our shot for league was a modified stone street...modified means hardly any oil i guess. My storm manic was way to much ball for this shot. All my other stuff is stronger, nightmare terror, reax, nightmare. What is a good ball for this light of volume? I like to stay within storm, dv8...My avg 216, 15 to 16 mph tweener...Thanks.



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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2013, 06:53:22 AM »
you are an idiot. Like I said, its not about adjustments OR forcing the ball "up the dirt". learn how to understand what you read. Maybe you should have someone read it for you?


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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #32 on: September 17, 2013, 07:12:36 AM »
Does it really matter what AMF is doing? No one can change it. Bitching about it makes no sense. The shot is what it is.....

My league moved to an independent house that installed all new AMF lanes and the shot is very light and even worse...short. I don't like it but for the next 33 weeks that's what I have to shoot on. My choice is bowl or quit. I choose to bowl and will still avg what I always do.

To help answer the original question, what is your tilt and axis rotation? This will help us help you not only choose ball but also layout to deal with this shot..
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 07:20:13 AM by vkowalski1970 »
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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #33 on: September 17, 2013, 09:22:19 AM »
Just to throw this out there, there are about 4800 centers in the United States.  Of those 4800, about 270 are owned by AMF/Bowlmor, or about 5.6%.  Even if each of those centers eliminated leagues, I doubt the overall bowling ball market will be impacted drastically. 

Some bowlers will go to independently owned centers and still buy bowling equipment.  And those that decide to stay at centers with dry shots will buy cheaper bowling balls instead of hook monsters....... or will they?


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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #34 on: September 17, 2013, 10:08:56 AM »
you are an idiot. Like I said, its not about adjustments OR forcing the ball "up the dirt". learn how to understand what you read. Maybe you should have someone read it for you?

Learn how to bowl, you've mastered the art of crying.
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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #35 on: September 17, 2013, 10:30:12 AM »
You proved my point. You are an idiot!


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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #36 on: September 17, 2013, 10:36:57 AM »
Here is the bowlmor plan. They are running the leagues out of their centers, closing Mondays and not opening until 4pm. This will reduce expenses but will reduce profit. This is all done on purpose because they will then sell the building / property for millions on each center. In my area a probably 8 million a location or more payroll, no more property taxes, no more in the bank. Thats what its about.

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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #37 on: September 17, 2013, 10:46:21 AM »
You do realize that AMF had declared bankruptsy several times before the BowlMor merger right?  So do you expect the people at BowlMor just to continue to lose money over and over again.  Their center planning has got to be very demographically dependant.  I know in my area the 2 closest Bowlmor/AMF centers have very different plans in place.  One center has the same thing as yours, ie: closing certain days and not opening until the afternoon on other days.  The other center is a lot higher lineage center and hasn't changed all that much other than basic company rules. 

Back to the original subject, there's several urethane products out there that can tackle drier lane conditions and or you can use plastic, which would probably make you a better shot maker anyways.  If you don't like that, you always have the option of finding another place to spend your money.

Here is the bowlmor plan. They are running the leagues out of their centers, closing Mondays and not opening until 4pm. This will reduce expenses but will reduce profit. This is all done on purpose because they will then sell the building / property for millions on each center. In my area a probably 8 million a location or more payroll, no more property taxes, no more in the bank. Thats what its about.
Here is the bowlmor plan. They are running the leagues out of their centers, closing Mondays and not opening until 4pm. This will reduce expenses but will reduce profit. This is all done on purpose because they will then sell the building / property for millions on each center. In my area a probably 8 million a location or more payroll, no more property taxes, no more in the bank. Thats what its about.


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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #38 on: September 17, 2013, 10:57:51 AM »
Here is the bowlmor plan. They are running the leagues out of their centers, closing Mondays and not opening until 4pm. This will reduce expenses but will reduce profit. This is all done on purpose because they will then sell the building / property for millions on each center. In my area a probably 8 million a location or more payroll, no more property taxes, no more in the bank. Thats what its about.

Not only are you a great bowler, but you are also an astute business man. Thanks for laying out the Bowl-Mor business plan. Maybe they're opening at 4 because they've studied data that shows they were not profitable prior to 4 pm? So I guess, according to you, Bowl-Mor isn't in the business of operating bowling centers but instead "Flip this commercial real estate"?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 11:00:45 AM by northface28 »
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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #39 on: September 17, 2013, 04:35:34 PM »
If the shot is using the same volume of oil they used in the early/mid 90s, why not throw some of the equipment of that time frame?


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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #40 on: September 17, 2013, 04:52:22 PM »
did I mention once in here that I was a great bowler? I am and have been a business owner for 25 years, so yes I do know about business. How many bowling games and hamburgers have to be sold for a center to take in 8 million bucks? Take into account that they dont even make a dollar on a burger after expenses. You own the building...Home depot or another giant comes to you and says..."Here is 8 million dollars, we want the land." You are going to turn that down because you're a dedicated bowler and want to keep your customers? I dont think so. Bowlmor is in the money making business....not the "bowling business." Cutting back staff and closing Mondays isnt going to turn around AMF's chapter 11 cases.


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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #41 on: September 17, 2013, 05:03:24 PM »
Most bowling center locations that are worth $8 mil have already been sold. 

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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2013, 05:59:18 PM »
did I mention once in here that I was a great bowler? I am and have been a business owner for 25 years, so yes I do know about business. How many bowling games and hamburgers have to be sold for a center to take in 8 million bucks? Take into account that they dont even make a dollar on a burger after expenses. You own the building...Home depot or another giant comes to you and says..."Here is 8 million dollars, we want the land." You are going to turn that down because you're a dedicated bowler and want to keep your customers? I dont think so. Bowlmor is in the money making business....not the "bowling business." Cutting back staff and closing Mondays isnt going to turn around AMF's chapter 11 cases.

So far you've posted nothing to validate the items in red.  Stop bitching, move your feet, change your hand position, and ball down.  Really sorry to hear you can't stand in the same place you have for twenty five years and strike.  ::)

BTW, thanks to the poster who pointed out that AMF-owned lanes made up a very small percentage of houses in the country.  Perhaps Falco can stop his crying about bowling ball sales going to go in the tank now.  The sky is falling mentality of some bowlers is just amazing. 
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #43 on: September 17, 2013, 07:42:17 PM »
Here is the bowlmor plan. They are running the leagues out of their centers, closing Mondays and not opening until 4pm. This will reduce expenses but will reduce profit. This is all done on purpose because they will then sell the building / property for millions on each center. In my area a probably 8 million a location or more payroll, no more property taxes, no more in the bank. Thats what its about.
Listen they sunk 40 million bucks into AMF if not there would be no AMF and they aren't planning on losing money, that is the nature of business. If the location is not making a profit with league bowling then they will go to more open cosmic bowling.
You say you have been in business if so then you know you can't keep losing money and stay in business. Our Friday night league had to leave the center we were in and move up the street to another AMF house which can have league bowling on one side and open cosmic bowling on the other side so both centers come out ahead.
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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #44 on: September 18, 2013, 01:48:35 PM »
Long gone,
Like I said earlier.............THIS THREAD WAS NOT ABOUT MAKING ADJUSTMENTS. Its about the LITTLE AMOUNT of oil applied by AMF/BOWLMOR.


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Re: 1st league night, dry lanes
« Reply #45 on: September 18, 2013, 03:02:32 PM »
Long gone,
Like I said earlier.............THIS THREAD WAS NOT ABOUT MAKING ADJUSTMENTS. Its about the LITTLE AMOUNT of oil applied by AMF/BOWLMOR.

Lol! What? To me your problem is the amount of oil and the effect it's having on your scores. If you were scoring higher then this post doesn't exist.

Where I bowl is open on Mondays from 10am to 10pm. Maybe Mondays where you are didn't have the numbers to be open who knows but all the AMF houses where I'm at are open on Mondays. I think Thursday is the only day they open at 4.