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Author Topic: 2 Ball Arsenal Storm/Roto  (Read 1808 times)


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2 Ball Arsenal Storm/Roto
« on: March 09, 2009, 12:27:16 AM »
Hi Guys

I'm looking to expand my arsenal.
Currently I have a Columbia Rival (pretty much dead with a huge crack in it), as well as a Clumbia Jazz + a spareball.

I'm going to retire my Rival and want to buy 2 balls to complement my Jazz/Spareball.

I'm looking for a heavy/medium ball, and a ball for the lighter side of mediúm.
I won't encounter extreme heavy oil, and I got my Jazz for the extreme dry, so I need 2 balls inbetween. Preferably one dull and one pearl.
My speed is about 15,5mph with low to medium revs.

I'd love to check out some Storm/Rotogrip balls, even tho I wouldn't mind to try out some new Columbia/Visionary/Morich stuff. Not to keen on Brunswick/Ebonite/Hammer to be honest.

Some possible combinations I've researched:

Rogue Cell for medium/heavy
2nd Dimension for medium heavy
Perfect Rival for medium/heavy
Visionary New Breed Solid for medium/heavy

HyRoad for medium/dry
Cell pearl for medium/dry
Visionary New breed pearl for medium/dry

Some of these balls might seem a little strong for medium dry,
but since I'm a lower rev player, I could use a little help from the ball, and I can always go with a somewhat weaker drilling.

So if you guys could suggest a suitable combination of either of those balls, or suggest different balsl that might fit the criteria, I'd appreciate it.


Dan Belcher

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Re: 2 Ball Arsenal Storm/Roto
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2009, 08:40:02 AM »
For what it's worth, I think you'll find the Cell Pearl and Hy-Road a litle stronger than you might expect.  I'd say even with a lower rev rate (I'm right there with you in that regard, I know what I'm talking about ), they're good for medium to medium-heavy conditions really, especially if you rough up the coverstock a little.  (Polished Storm/Rotogrip balls come extremely shiny OOB, they tend to skate a little and be very skid/snap unless you adjust the surface a little, and then they come to life!)  Also truthfully, there's only a 2-3 board difference in the Cell Pearl and the Second Dimension depending on how you throw the ball/surface prep/drilling/etc.

You might consider a T-Road Solid and T-Road Pearl as a nice one-two punch.  The Rogue Cell would be a little stronger than the T-Road Solid with a little more backend (stronger coverstock, but also it's a 2 parts solid, 1 part pearl hybrid)


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Re: 2 Ball Arsenal Storm/Roto
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2009, 08:47:16 AM »
Thank you for your input.

The Rogue Cell looks like a real winner to me.
Though it's hard to judge with the ball not even officially released to the general public.
But judging from the videos and reviews so far I figured you can't go wrong with the rogue for medium/heavy.

Which still leaves the medium/dry choice.
Although medium/dry might be the wrong term, I'd rather say a broken in medium condition (after 3 games with my medium/heavy ball)

T-Road Pearl seems like a good choice, although I really wanted to get a 2008/2009 ball considering technology advances really fast these days.


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Re: 2 Ball Arsenal Storm/Roto
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2009, 10:03:58 AM »
I personally didn't match up with any of the T-Roads.  I just ordered the Rogue Cell and I can't give any input for that ball.  I like the Grand Illusion a lot and the Mars is suppose to be what the Rogue Cell is to the orginal Cell, a little stronger back end.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
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Re: 2 Ball Arsenal Storm/Roto
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2009, 06:07:43 PM »
If you're not completely sold on the Rogue, consider the Dimension if not the T-Road Solid(since you want something newer) for the med/heavy.  You'll want to drill any of those tamer so they're not too strong.  You could get a Grand Illusion and drill it a little stronger than normal.  For med-light, if it must be a pearl, look at either the Mars(hybrid but serves the purpose) or Street Rod Pearl.  Drill either of those a little stronger.  Again, I would have suggested the T-Road Pearl but you want something newer.


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Re: 2 Ball Arsenal Storm/Roto
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2009, 06:44:28 AM »
Rogue Cell
Grand Illusion

Great 2 ball setup that will cover all you are looking for. Yes, the GI is a solid but polished at 2000 it gets great length and strong movement like a pearl and it is so very versatile.

Just my 2 cents...

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Re: 2 Ball Arsenal Storm/Roto
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2009, 07:17:52 AM »
Dimension & Street Rod Pearl will cover everything but the extremes!

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Re: 2 Ball Arsenal Storm/Roto
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2009, 11:25:27 AM »
I would go

Even though I am buying a rogue the day it comes out it is unproven so I would wait to see how it looks before you get one. The Cell is a great ball and can do just fine on any condition but true dry.
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Re: 2 Ball Arsenal Storm/Roto
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2009, 11:43:28 AM »
Buddy of mine just got back from the previous couple tour events said he was crossing next to Wes during the Marathon tournament and got to see the Rogue Cell really well.  And although Wes tends to make the stuff he throws look really good anyways, he said you could see the real difference between the Cell, Rogue Cell, and Cell Pearl.  He said that the Rogue def looked like that perfect medium-medium/heavy fit between the original Cell and Cell Pearl.  So considering that you are a lower rev player and you don't usually see real heavy volumes this could be a great ball for you.  Also I wouldn't hesitate to look at the Power Swing by Columbia for the medium/heavy.  Drilled one up myself and am amazed at how easy it gets through the front but still holds to lane and makes a nice strong move in the back.  I honestly think this would be a better option to look at over teh Perfect Rival.  The 2nd Dimension could work but seems to be quite drilling specific.  

As for the Medium/Dry, you can't go wrong with the Hy-Road.  Although this maybe slightly stronger than expected, it is still very clean through the front.  With a slightly stronger layout out you could probably get away with leaving the factory finish on this also, without having it skate on you.  The cell pearl may actually be a little stronger than what your looking for.  

Also another thought for you considering you don't tend to see the heavier volumes, is go with the Hy-Road for the Medium/Heavy ball, take the cover to like 1000-2000 abralon with a middle of the road layout (maybe like 4 1/2 - 5 inches Pin to PAP) and then consider the Loud Noize for the Medium/Dry ball.  

Just my input from what I see and hear, and to make sure you don't miss looking at a few things you didn't list.