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Author Topic: 2 Ball Totes as carry on luggage?  (Read 17618 times)


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2 Ball Totes as carry on luggage?
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:18:17 AM »
I'm going to el Paso this year to bowl the USBC Nationals. One friend suggested me sending my equipment through Fedex or something. But I was wondering about carrying a 2 ball tote as my carry on luggage. Would that bag go through in the airplane? I was thinking that I can carry one and my wife one, that way, even if I have to buy 2 ball totes, it will be cheaper than the shipping and I can keep the totes.




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Re: 2 Ball Totes as carry on luggage?
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2015, 04:14:49 PM »
How long does Fed ex ground take?  And are the backs of those Fed Ex ground semi truck trailers heated?   Are the ware house portion of the distribution centers they get dropped & picked up from heated?  And finally, are the back of those delivery trucks heated? 

Or when is nationals?  Summer?  Will those trailers be too hot?  I think the cargo hold for a few hour flight isn't gonna hurt those bowling balls, temperature wise, that much...  I would think the long road trip in the back of a sem trailer would be worse...

It doesn't get as cold on the ground as it does at 30,000 feet.  The heat in summer?  De-oils the balls before the tourney.  Perfect!

LoL!!  Okay, fair enough.  But how long does the Fed Ex ground actually take?  Is there a guarantee when ground gets to it's destination?  I know UPS ground has been very inconsistent w/its time frames.  I could see bowling balls getting beat up in all of that ground travel, distribution & then storage by hotel employees.  Possibly even dropped by an employee moving it for 1 reason or another not judging the weight of it properly not knowing what's in the box.  I dunno.  Just seems like too many variables in play that would have to go right. 

Maybe 2nd day air... ;)

Reading these posts makes me realize that the safest (but not the easiest) way to take care of the balls is having them with me, so I'll be carrying them with me on my way to El Paso. I'll get two 2 ball totes (one with wheels) so they will be safe with me  8)


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Re: 2 Ball Totes as carry on luggage?
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2015, 04:03:54 AM »

I have near 65K in miles this year and pretty much travel often across the country for bowling tournaments and I ALWAYS carry a two ball tote with me on the plane (checking 2 three-ball rollers).. and I've never had any problems.
The one airport that has given me trouble 2/3 times was CLE (last Feb). I missed the flight because the a-hole TSA agent insisted that since their machines couldn't see thru the balls that they couldn't pass. We argued, I flat out told him he's just trying to get be a tool on purpose just so I have to pay extra $$ to check a third bag which is astronomical if you've checked 2 prior.
In the end I missed the flight due to the fine ego of  one TSA agent.. the airline compd me a room for the hassle.

I've been in/out of several hi traffic airports numerous times on numerous occasions (NWR, ATL, SFO, LAX, ORL, DET, etc) never problems.

Good luck.


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Re: 2 Ball Totes as carry on luggage?
« Reply #33 on: January 22, 2015, 05:31:34 AM »
bradley (CT) and vegas has never given me problems. sometimes the TSA wants to do their little field tests after the x ray but they realize its a bowling ball. they have enough bowlers come through to recognize it.


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Re: 2 Ball Totes as carry on luggage?
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2015, 11:10:40 AM »
I'm not sure if this was mentioned about some security. but, when I flew overseas one year, I carried a 2 ball tote as a carry-on. I had no problem until I got to security. I'm not sure if it was Korea or Japan when my bag held up the line. The Core on my unleashed and Mutant made security wonder what was inside, and see if the balls can be easily split open.
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Re: 2 Ball Totes as carry on luggage?
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2015, 01:30:07 PM »
Unfortunately you won't get a straight forward answer on this. I have spoken to TSA about it and they say it is at the discretion of the TSA agent at that particular airport on that particular day at that particular time. lol.

So, its always gonna be a gamble, but it's probably fair to say the odds are in your favor.

Me personally, I have never had an issue. They normally just swab them and send me on my way.


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Re: 2 Ball Totes as carry on luggage?
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2015, 11:09:54 AM »
Bowler001 is correct.  It is up to the discretion of the TSA Agent at the gate.  One of our bowlers tried to bring balls as carry on and was refused.  they had to check the bag and it cost an additional $75 for the extra bag.
14lb 15.5 mph at pins 325 Revs. Silver Coach, Ball Driller. In Bag:  Storm Pro-Motion, Hyroad X, Matchup, Code Red.