Just a few things that could be explained in much better detail but I will state briefly.
No matter what you did wrong on your first ball, concentrate and pick up your spare first, then worry about adjusting and figuring out your mistakes/adjustments that made you not strike the last ball on that lane (because the two lanes could be different)....this is so important especially when coaching and working with younger bowlers.
Learning/trusting your game. Having confidence to move and adjust based off your own shots. If you make a good shot and need to move or adjust, do it. However a lot of bowlers aren't that confident and they either have to ask the people they are bowling with blame the lanes or equipment.
If you left a 10 pin, deal with it, pick it up. If you left it there is a probably a very good reason. Not saying every 10 pin is deserved but 99% of them are unless you have something weird going on. (oil on the deck,offset pins (should of re-racked), ect...)
my 2 cents
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