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Author Topic: 2 handers  (Read 3983 times)

that guy

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2 handers
« on: November 24, 2008, 07:31:14 AM »
Why is the USBC magazine always pushing these 2 hand bowlers down our throat? Number of 2 handers to win a pba title....... 0. Number of 2 handers to ever make a living on the pba tour........0. In a time when most pro bowlers r finding ways to b softer and hook it less(Mike Machuga, Mike wolf to name a few) Why would so many feel that this style of bowling is viable or even practical. The last thing I want in my game is more speed and more revs. If it were 1985 in the days of lt 48s and rhinos maybe the 2 handed style would dominate.... but not in 2008 with these super balls. What do u guys think?



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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2008, 05:10:49 PM »
Two hand bowling has been around in the US for well over 25 years.  Chuck Lande bowled two handed and I think won a regional or 2 during the 80's.  There are several 2 handed bowlers in the Dallas area and have been for years.  This style is not new by any means. In fact the PBA made a rule about having at least 3 holes in a ball because of Chuck Lande.


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that guy

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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2008, 05:40:20 PM »
Amen smash!! I remember a guy named Tony Lambert who bowled in the Louisville area in the late 80s, through it w 2 hands from the left side. Amazing speed and revs.