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Author Topic: Dick Ritger camps  (Read 3542 times)


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Dick Ritger camps
« on: March 31, 2009, 06:58:45 AM »
Has anyone here been to one of the camps? There is a 4 day camp coming to Austin in June and I was wondering if it was worth the money to go? I am looking for an advanced camp, not beginner. What is this camp like?




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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2009, 11:46:59 PM »
so your in austin where do you bowl


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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2009, 12:00:59 AM »
I did one of the traveling camps about 10 years ago.  At the time I was averaging 190-195 and I felt it was worth it.  Yeah, you have to do some basics, but that never hurt anyone.  I also felt the coaches were good at working on more advanced stuff with the better bowlers.  

You do a lot of drills.  They don't even put pins out until like the last day.  You will work on your release, footwork, weight transfer.  They will videotape you before and after so you can see anything they've changed.  If you don't have a spare shooting system, they will teach you one.  If you already have one, they will tweak it if needed.  

If I had the time and money I'd do it again.
It IS next year!


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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2009, 12:39:31 AM »
I bowl mostly at Dart since I am going to college in Austin. I bowl a sport league there and a regular league at Interstate. I bowl sometimes at Mel's in Georgetown and sometimes at Highland. I don't really ever bowl at Westgate and I never bowl at Showplace (300 Austin now).

I want to do this camp for a like tune up for JG, but if it's not worth it I can spend the $400 on a couple new balls for JG or a lesson with Susie Minshew or Del Ballard and have some money left over.


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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2009, 12:46:46 AM »
im in cedar park i bowl wed night 3rd shift at dart got back into bowling a year ago after about 4 years off due to a bad interstate and mels is good but for a new place mels could do better.


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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2009, 12:53:45 AM »
Mel's is more of an entertainment center than a bowling alley lol. Interstate is ok, but there prices are kinda high. Dart is cool though and I have a lot of friends that are there. Highland is ok too, but the ball returns or something put a lot of nicks and scratches in the balls. Westgate is just too far away from me.

I bowl wed nights at Dart at 6:30 for the sport league, what time is your league?


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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2009, 01:03:23 AM »
8:30 on wed night i wanna try joining another league but it has to be on mon or wed night those are my days off. i dont know anyone at interstate but wanna bow league there since its closest.


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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2009, 01:06:08 AM »
Do you bowl on the low end?


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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2009, 01:07:49 AM »
yes i do


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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2009, 01:08:07 AM »
The Ritger clinics are well worth the money. However - they are NOT a quick fix. They can take your game and really ratchet it up - but they do it with solid fundamentals.
If you want to build the foundation to improve, this is the place to be. They will teach you several spare shooting methods, ways to straighten out your timing, fool proof ways to hit your target and trajectory - but you have to be willing to then put in the practice time after the clinic.

Well worth the money.
And if you talk to Kelly - she DEFINITELY uses the Ritger methods. A lot of her knowledge and lane play information is too advanced for the basic clinic, but her beautiful free swing and great timing are as a result of the Ritger clinics.
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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2009, 01:59:55 AM »
I went to the Shocker camp about 3 years ago and it really helped my game, but I am also a lot better now than I was then so I don't know how much more help it would be. I'm sure the Shocker camp would help a lot though. What would be a better camp? The Shocker or the Ritger camp?


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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2009, 10:41:18 AM »
Well the first thing is DON"T bring any of your premium balls.  You bowl so much there that you thumb swells big time.  Usually they talk you into putting a slug into it so you can use it.  Then when you get back home to normal bowling, you can't hold on to the ball, cause the thumb is so big.

I would bring an old ball.  Do yourself a favor and have the hole made larger before you go....  Might save you time and money.

have fun


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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2009, 10:48:39 AM »
The Ritger information and camps do work.  The problem is that many of the students look at it as being old fashioned.  It still translates to the modern game very well.  Yes there are a lot of basic drills and you may ask yourself why am I doing this?  Strong fundamentals make a big difference.  Advanced players will need to keep an open mind.  It's well worth the money but if you are looking for tweakie tips and little things this is not the place.


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Re: Dick Ritger camps
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2009, 11:04:17 AM »
My wife and I took the Ritger 4-day traveling course about 8 years ago.  She was a new bowler (1-2 years) and I had been bowling for 25 years at the time.  It was really helpful for her but not so much for me.  I had 25 years of bad habits to break and as much as I wanted to follow their instructions, I kept resorting back to my bad habits.  The "feel" they teach just did not feel right to me even because of all my years of doing it the wrong way.  I did improve on some things but overall, not as much as I had hoped.  My wife, on the other hand, picked up their instruction very easily as she did not have so many bad habits to break.

We had another woman in the class that refused to follow their advice.  She thought she knew more than the instructor.  I think she is STILL averaging in the 150's today.

Moral:  Have an open mind to what they are telling you and don't be afraid of change no matter how odd it feels.