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Author Topic: 2 handers  (Read 14094 times)


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2 handers
« on: December 04, 2008, 01:43:24 AM »
Is there a web page where you can learn how to bowl 2 handed?  Or do most just go out there and wing it and see what happens?


Kid Jete

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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2008, 08:43:32 PM »
So they have won international titles point being what. 1 title 2 titles maybe 3 and that is good why .  When they can even come close too 10 -15 titles then there maybe something to talk about. There is a reason why they cant win and dont bowl in the U.S. because they cant and wont win. Like i said from all i have seen not constist at all.

You do realize 2-handers HAVE won in international competition before and have done well for Team USA, right?

The object of the game is to roll the ball down the lane and knock down all 10 pins.  There is no one way to do it right!  I personally think that at least the two-handed delivery is much more effective way to magically gain tons of revs over the no-thumb one handed delivery.  (It offers much more control at least)  It is NOT the best method for all conditions, much the same as the one-handed high rev release is not the best method for all conditions, and the one-handed low rev release is not the best for all conditions.

One handers have more title because they got a 40+ year head start.  That's like saying Tommy Jones sucks and is a choker because he has less titles than Walter Ray.


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2008, 08:51:50 PM »
Funny logic and reason.  You show me any logic reason why anyone would bowl 2 handed and I will listen. There is no longevity in 2 handed bowling. 10 years maybe till you have health problems because of it. Sorry rather bowl for 40 plus years without chance of severe problems.  I enjoy how because Belmonte is choking this week. People blame the shot. The guy just chokes on American soil.

Kid Jete

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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2008, 09:00:24 PM »
Funny logic and reason.  You show me any logic reason why anyone would bowl 2 handed and I will listen. There is no longevity in 2 handed bowling. 10 years maybe till you have health problems because of it. Sorry rather bowl for 40 plus years without chance of severe problems.  I enjoy how because Belmonte is choking this week. People blame the shot. The guy just chokes on American soil.

Sounds like you have more of an issue with Belmonte than 2 handers.  How would you know if 2 handed bowling is not healthy after 10 years?  It hasn't been around that long.  Nice try though.


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2008, 09:26:29 PM »
So they have won international titles point being what. 1 title 2 titles maybe 3 and that is good why .  When they can even come close too 10 -15 titles then there maybe something to talk about. There is a reason why they cant win and dont bowl in the U.S. because they cant and wont win. Like i said from all i have seen not constist at all.


I missed this one, you are the most oblivious person ever, wanna know how many titles Osku won this year in Europe on the Tour? 7! 7!, thats as many as WRW Jr's best year. Anything else you have to blabber that makes no sense?
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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2008, 09:28:21 PM »
Funny logic and reason.  You show me any logic reason why anyone would bowl 2 handed and I will listen. There is no longevity in 2 handed bowling. 10 years maybe till you have health problems because of it. Sorry rather bowl for 40 plus years without chance of severe problems.  I enjoy how because Belmonte is choking this week. People blame the shot. The guy just chokes on American soil.

There is a guy on here that I know that is 35 and has been bowling 2 handed since 16. Thats 19 years, and not only that, any one handed power bowler goes through the same exact things as we do, if you stay active and exercise the right parts of your body (abs, lower back, hips and shoulders) you will last a long time.
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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2008, 09:44:55 PM »
osku got to the tv finals before the exempt field kicked in and did not pursue a pba career because of it. plus the euro is looking pretty good against the dollar right now

I mentioned the first one earlier and totally agree, plus I know I would much rather bowl over there where bowling is everywhere and is considered a big time thing rather than here where it is treated like crap. Also they embrace the 2 hander over there and understand how great these 2 guys are, dont have to put up with jerks like this cumin guy.
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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2008, 11:52:22 PM »
Here comes the name called from the children. 2 handed bowls can't take the truth of how there bowling is a joke. Or that there are only 2 names they can think of for 2 so called good 2 handed choke artist.

John D Davis

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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #23 on: December 05, 2008, 12:18:47 AM »
   You can talk all the junk you want about the Two Handers choking but what it all boils down to, is they are there and you are not!!! Nor will you probably ever be there with the attitude you have towards the game. I may not be the best bowler in the world but I am very competitive and I am very good at times... You however probably dont average even 200 or 210. Being you cant average 230-240+ then you probably couldnt even carry the bag of one of these pros on the exempt tour! Look at Jason Belmontes league average and see if his is not higher than yours. I would be willing to bet the farm it is. Now thats why people use the two handed release... To be and score better than people like you. I rest my case.................................John


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2008, 06:44:56 AM »
Main problem is I am very competitive and 2 handeds are just a waste of time. You can only talk about 2 bowlers who have had minimum results bowling 2 handed. Take ur pick on any of the top 50 this week and you can see even a girl walked away from him. For your info seeing that you no nothing about me I average 206 to 210 threw out all 3 of my leagues.  But I know its nothing like ur guys 197. This week

Dan Belcher

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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2008, 07:12:52 AM »
How can you take one or two weeks and base any valid statistical comparison on that?  You can't.  There are only a small handful of professional two-handed bowlers in the world because it's a very new thing.  It's IMPOSSIBLE to truly accurately judge how effective it is at this point because the sample size is so small.

I bet if you were old enough, you would have been calling the idea of putting three fingers in the ball instead of just the thumb and middle finger "crazy."  Just because something is new and different doesn't mean it's necessarily good or bad.


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #26 on: December 05, 2008, 08:23:44 AM »
Change is not a bad thing but it takes no skill. If you stand left throw right in a general 20 board area it will come back. So whats the point? Its the same style of guys who cant throw a hook and bowl with no thumb. So how is it new because you hold onto the ball with 2 hands like hmm the kids due. If there is a logically reason why anyone would want to bowl this way i would love too know. As for small handful of professional who do it and there are only a few why/ Not because its new  its because it doesnt work as well as 1 handed. Look at big picture 2 bowlers who have few titles or 100's who have won many

How can you take one or two weeks and base any valid statistical comparison on that?  You can't.  There are only a small handful of professional two-handed bowlers in the world because it's a very new thing.  It's IMPOSSIBLE to truly accurately judge how effective it is at this point because the sample size is so small.

I bet if you were old enough, you would have been calling the idea of putting three fingers in the ball instead of just the thumb and middle finger "crazy."  Just because something is new and different doesn't mean it's necessarily good or bad.


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2008, 08:39:36 AM »
Main problem is I am very competitive and 2 handeds are just a waste of time. You can only talk about 2 bowlers who have had minimum results bowling 2 handed. Take ur pick on any of the top 50 this week and you can see even a girl walked away from him. For your info seeing that you no nothing about me I average 206 to 210 threw out all 3 of my leagues.  But I know its nothing like ur guys 197. This week

You average 206-210 on a THS and your even here arguing this? Do you understand how horrible that is? I average 224 on a THS and am having a bad year, and I bowl 2 handed, your average is what I average on PBA Expierience patterns not a THS. Seems like you talk a lot of game but can't back it up at all. Yes he averaged 197 but hes bowling on a tough pattern,atleast a lot harder than a THS, not a THS where you put the ball on the lane and your in the pocket, thats so sad that you've been talking this whole time like your such an ambassadeur to the sport and so good and you average 210.

There is no talking to you because your stubborn and will not listen to reason and understand oil patterns, obviously because you average 208 composite on a THS you most likely no absolutely nothing about what there out there bowling on even this week and understand how bad the Cheetah breaks down after 2 games.
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Dan Belcher

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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2008, 08:42:32 AM »
The advantage of using both hands instead of just the one handed with a no-thumb (or thumb-only-inserted-halfway) delivery is control.  Watch the release of a truly good two-handed bowler in slow motion.  Their throwing hand stays underneath the ball in a more balanced, natural position since the other hand is there for balance and grip.  Right before the release point, this hand is removed, so the bowler actually only throws the ball with the one hand.  This offers much greater accuracy than the one-handed no-thumb release in general.  One of the best bowlers in my area has been using a two-handed release for years, and he's just about as accurate as the other top-level bowlers in the area who have more standard deliveries.


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #29 on: December 05, 2008, 08:44:43 AM »
Change is not a bad thing but it takes no skill. If you stand left throw right in a general 20 board area it will come back. So whats the point? Its the same style of guys who cant throw a hook and bowl with no thumb. So how is it new because you hold onto the ball with 2 hands like hmm the kids due. If there is a logically reason why anyone would want to bowl this way i would love too know. As for small handful of professional who do it and there are only a few why/ Not because its new  its because it doesnt work as well as 1 handed. Look at big picture 2 bowlers who have few titles or 100's who have won many


It takes no skill? Dumping a ball straight down 10 1 handed takes no skill, I had never bowled 1 handed ever, went out one day and did it, by game 2 straight down 10 I was averaging 210, thats WAYYYYY easier than what we do. Your talking about the bad 2 handers that spray the ball around like that but obviously you havent read any of my previous posts because your just a troll thats here to make everyone pissed and not understand the points everyone is trying to make. Bowling 2 handed is like bowling blind folded in compared to 1 handed straight down 5 or 10, thats how much more difficult it is, yes people can go out and do it but DOING IT WELL AND BEING GOOD at 2 handed is a totally different story, yes you get the revs, but controlling them and learning how to use them to your advantage and learning every other aspect of it and being able to take them away and play straight down too, and be versatile is what makes a GOOD 2 hander.
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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2008, 09:10:10 AM »
I average what i average and say what you want to say about. Dont care what you think you averaged here there or anywere  I understand more then you think. Oil patterns ball drilling whatever the case may be. Problem is everyone talkign how good 2 handed is blah blah blah and then here PBA give belmonte a few trys and he chokes. Then comes then bs oh its the oil pattern thats what im tired of. Every time no matter who the bowler is who chokes same old excuse is was a bad oil pattern for him. Belmonte just likes to choke. Still waiting for a logically reason why anyone would want to bowl with 2 hands?

Main problem is I am very competitive and 2 handeds are just a waste of time. You can only talk about 2 bowlers who have had minimum results bowling 2 handed. Take ur pick on any of the top 50 this week and you can see even a girl walked away from him. For your info seeing that you no nothing about me I average 206 to 210 threw out all 3 of my leagues.  But I know its nothing like ur guys 197. This week

You average 206-210 on a THS and your even here arguing this? Do you understand how horrible that is? I average 224 on a THS and am having a bad year, and I bowl 2 handed, your average is what I average on PBA Expierience patterns not a THS. Seems like you talk a lot of game but can't back it up at all. Yes he averaged 197 but hes bowling on a tough pattern,atleast a lot harder than a THS, not a THS where you put the ball on the lane and your in the pocket, thats so sad that you've been talking this whole time like your such an ambassadeur to the sport and so good and you average 210.

There is no talking to you because your stubborn and will not listen to reason and understand oil patterns, obviously because you average 208 composite on a THS you most likely no absolutely nothing about what there out there bowling on even this week and understand how bad the Cheetah breaks down after 2 games.
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