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Author Topic: 2 handers  (Read 14092 times)


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2 handers
« on: December 04, 2008, 01:43:24 AM »
Is there a web page where you can learn how to bowl 2 handed?  Or do most just go out there and wing it and see what happens?



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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2008, 09:11:53 AM »
So you don't want people making fun of the two-handed style, but then you go and say one handed bowling is easy and takes little to no skill. Kinda hypocritcal, no?

Note: I think people should bowl however they want, to bowl their best. If it's one handed, two-handed, between the legs, backwards, whatever.

Dan Belcher

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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2008, 09:12:05 AM »
Still waiting for a logically reason why anyone would want to bowl with 2 hands?
I just explained it above.  Pay attention.  And that's coming from someone who is a low-rev one handed release guy!

And again, how can you take ONE example as a fair basis for a statistical analysis?  Just because Belmonte's bowled like crap for two weeks doesn't mean that the two handed delivery in and of itself is a failure.  It just means that Jason Belmonte's bowled pretty awful for two straight weeks.


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2008, 09:15:45 AM »
If your saying the other hand is just there for balance and its just the same as throwing ball 1 handed in a way then why does is look so weird? Im saying if 1 hand in ball and other hand balancing ball then why be all crotched down just stand up and walk with the ball like most do . Havent seen accuracy at all when i have seen 2 handed bowlers bowl and how can you say more natrual postion?  Natrual is bent over?  

The advantage of using both hands instead of just the one handed with a no-thumb (or thumb-only-inserted-halfway) delivery is control.  Watch the release of a truly good two-handed bowler in slow motion.  Their throwing hand stays underneath the ball in a more balanced, natural position since the other hand is there for balance and grip.  Right before the release point, this hand is removed, so the bowler actually only throws the ball with the one hand.  This offers much greater accuracy than the one-handed no-thumb release in general.  One of the best bowlers in my area has been using a two-handed release for years, and he's just about as accurate as the other top-level bowlers in the area who have more standard deliveries.

Dan Belcher

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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2008, 09:17:47 AM »
Different body motion requires different body position for balance and leverage.  Again, it makes a lot more sense if you actually watch a slow-motion video of a two-handed bowler's approach and release.  Or better yet, actually try it yourself someday during practice when you're bored to see if it makes sense then.


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2008, 09:47:43 AM »
Thanks for trying to bring logic to the subject. Dont plan on trying it because i just dont agree with it. I bowl well enough 1 handed to bring a new concept into my game.

Different body motion requires different body position for balance and leverage.  Again, it makes a lot more sense if you actually watch a slow-motion video of a two-handed bowler's approach and release.  Or better yet, actually try it yourself someday during practice when you're bored to see if it makes sense then.

Dan Belcher

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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2008, 09:53:30 AM »
I don't mean sit down and focus on learning it.  I mean just throw a couple balls with two hands on a whim just to see how the motion works so you don't have to be so confused about it.


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2008, 09:57:28 AM »
Motion is the same besides the stance of a cranker. High rev . Just dont see it being  versatile  for conditions. Like the crankers unless you can adjust. Dont see many adjustments that can be made. So why try it if you cant bowl on every lanes condition?

I don't mean sit down and focus on learning it.  I mean just throw a couple balls with two hands on a whim just to see how the motion works so you don't have to be so confused about it.


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2008, 10:39:13 AM »
If bowling 2 handed was as accurate as people think then why does Osku Palermaa shot spares 1 handed ??
There should  be a rule  that if you bowl with 2 hands you cant change to 1 just like they do with rightys who pick up spares with left hand. I understand its same hand but yet its different approach to lanes


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2008, 10:43:55 AM »
Tell me this are all international tournaments bowled on just 1 lane??


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2008, 11:11:11 AM »
Blah blah blah good by. Dont care who what were when why. Your just another online tuff guy i feel sorry for u Its ok dont cry  Its an opinion moran. Have a nice day with ur 2 handed bowling since you cant hack it like a real bowler

You just like to hear yourself b!tch or complain I guess...

MIKE MILLER changed his game back in 1990 to the 2 handed release you've come accustomed to seeing BECAUSE he said to me that he wanted to be able to create more area.

Do you have a problem with Mike Miller's bowling? Even the 300 he shot on tv? Do you think that caused a lot of kids to wanna bowl 2 handed? So what if it did..

Get your head out of your @ss 'cause bowling is bowling no matter how the ball gets down the lane..
A former member of the 20/20 Club 'cause sciatica sucks

Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #41 on: December 05, 2008, 11:24:00 AM »
You guys are all silly.  Get out the ruler see who's bigger.  Remember the ladies dig the girth.

Ahhh Disco Biscuits!


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #42 on: December 05, 2008, 01:14:53 PM »
Motion is the same besides the stance of a cranker. High rev . Just dont see it being  versatile  for conditions. Like the crankers unless you can adjust. Dont see many adjustments that can be made. So why try it if you cant bowl on every lanes condition?


I explained this about 10 times here, this is getting rediculous learn to read. We dont just make adjustments with the bottom wrist/hand/finger positions to adjust, moving the top had a little to the left/right/front/back, changes the roll of the ball totally and makes us even more versatile, I can probably change 15-20 more things to adjust than a normal 1 hander can, if I bowl on something longer and need more tilt I can pop my thumb out and get more tilt, if I need more length wrist comes flat, top hand goes to the front of the ball more and it will go long and straight.

The reason you dont like it is because its different and its not the old school way, I dont see you out there on tour or ever were and I dont see you averaging anything even on a THS, you can understand anything you want but high revvers dont do well on the Cheetah, its common knowledge, look at Kenny Simard this week.

As for the hypocritical comment, I'm not hypocritical, I say do things however you want, whatever gives you your best chance to win, do it. I'm just saying how easy playing straight up 1 handed is because he said 2 handed is easy which it nowhere is as easy as playing straight up 1 handed.

As for shooting spares I shoot mine 2 handed just like belmo does and I make 93% of my single pin spares, only ones I ever miss are 7 pins(lefty) and an occasional 4 pin and they are few and far between.
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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #43 on: December 05, 2008, 01:29:29 PM »
I don't see how wrist/tilt adjustments are something that only two-handers have to do.


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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #44 on: December 05, 2008, 03:14:45 PM »
Dont see how you are able to change hand/wrist/finger positions. Reason i dont like it is because 2 ME its a joke.

As far as the spares your a good shooter but i was asking is there a rule out there about changing from 1 hand to 2 handed ? I just keep hearing how 2handers are very accurate with 2 hands but then why shoot spares with 1?

Motion is the same besides the stance of a cranker. High rev . Just dont see it being  versatile  for conditions. Like the crankers unless you can adjust. Dont see many adjustments that can be made. So why try it if you cant bowl on every lanes condition?


I explained this about 10 times here, this is getting rediculous learn to read. We dont just make adjustments with the bottom wrist/hand/finger positions to adjust, moving the top had a little to the left/right/front/back, changes the roll of the ball totally and makes us even more versatile, I can probably change 15-20 more things to adjust than a normal 1 hander can, if I bowl on something longer and need more tilt I can pop my thumb out and get more tilt, if I need more length wrist comes flat, top hand goes to the front of the ball more and it will go long and straight.

The reason you dont like it is because its different and its not the old school way, I dont see you out there on tour or ever were and I dont see you averaging anything even on a THS, you can understand anything you want but high revvers dont do well on the Cheetah, its common knowledge, look at Kenny Simard this week.

As for the hypocritical comment, I'm not hypocritical, I say do things however you want, whatever gives you your best chance to win, do it. I'm just saying how easy playing straight up 1 handed is because he said 2 handed is easy which it nowhere is as easy as playing straight up 1 handed.

As for shooting spares I shoot mine 2 handed just like belmo does and I make 93% of my single pin spares, only ones I ever miss are 7 pins(lefty) and an occasional 4 pin and they are few and far between.
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Re: 2 handers
« Reply #45 on: December 05, 2008, 03:37:35 PM »
Dont see how you are able to change hand/wrist/finger positions. Reason i dont like it is because 2 ME its a joke.

As far as the spares your a good shooter but i was asking is there a rule out there about changing from 1 hand to 2 handed ? I just keep hearing how 2handers are very accurate with 2 hands but then why shoot spares with 1?

to piss you off so you can b!itch whine and moan a little more.