When compared to other products, the Detox is safer, easier to use, easier on the ball, and much more effective and efficient.
I don't really see how the Detox is "safer, easier to use, easier on the ball, and much more effective" than say a bowling ball oven (one designed to extract oil from balls - not cook a casserole) and a bowling ball spinner and cleaner.
Safer? I fail to see how.
Easier to use: I think we're splitting hairs. If you're talking about saving a step between having to clean the ball and extract the oil out in separate steps, we're talking about an extra 30 seconds of work here. It's pretty minor. And that doesn't count the added work to empty/refill the Detox when the water gets overly cloudy.
Easier on the ball: Again, I don't really see how. Once the ball gets to temperature it stays there. Is exposing the ball to temperatures of 120 degrees for 30 minutes really any easier on the ball than letting it sit at 120 degrees for an hour or two? As long as the ball maintains within the manufacturers specified safe range, I would think that no harm is being done to the ball.
More effective: In what way? You said in another post that you weren't sure that the Detox would actually pull any more oil out than an oven? In what way is it more effective than an oven oil extraction unit and a ball spinner to clean the ball?
More efficient: I'll give you that one.

Mainly for the fact that the Detox would seem to be able to do a complete oil extraction faster than an oven would be able to.
Don't get me wrong. I believe the product likely works as advertised and I hope Jayhawk does well selling the units. But the way you've been touting the product is making it sound like this is a revolutionary product that makes all its predecessors obsolete. It's just a bit over the top with an infomercial like feel to it which kind of rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's just me.

It is pretty neat that the unit can do a full oil extraction *and* cleaning in 30 minutes time where traditional methods could take up to 2+ hours for the same job. But I don't buy the whole easier, safer, effective sales pitch. Now if someone were to show an oil logged ball that had the oil extracted via conventional methods with no more oil leeching out. Then took that same ball and placed it into the Detox, and the Detox was able to extract even *more* oil out... now that would be something to brag about!