What I can tell and could be a point to check out:
1) It looks as if you drop your shoulder, and therefore bend your body forward. As a result you seem to "hobble" a bit at the foul line, being slightly out of balance? Might feel natural, but I'd recommend keeping the upper body more upright.
2) The second-to-last step is very quick. It seems to be the result of a timing problem. I am no pro in this point, but maybe you accelerate your forward swing very early, pushing your footwork out of timing and balance. The "hobble" mentioned before could be the final result of this.
What to to? I'd recommend to slow down the swing, making it the natural cadence for your footwork. This might not be easy, since you play very fast and with force (typical stroker advice... I know), but I think your off-timingh comes from this fast forward swing?
Hope this helps? It is very subjective...
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X" league website: http://homepage.mac.com/timlinked/
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe