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Author Topic: 20+ variance in average.  (Read 1395 times)


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20+ variance in average.
« on: January 15, 2004, 05:34:41 PM »

I’m experiencing a 20+ pin variance in average between houses.  However, it is no mystery to me as to why this is happening.  For reference I’m a righty, cup my wrist with good revs, but I have lower ball speed.  So, I would have to classify myself as a power stroker due to the lower ball speed.  

House #1 I typically practice on a pair before the league and I’m dialed in, many times averaging 220+.  However, when the lights are turned on, the shot begins to change the very first game.  The lanes keep breaking down all night long.  I’m making at least ten or more adjustments all night long.  I’m struggling to hold a 200 average there.  Currently averaging 201, but I can see it very possible for me to dip below 200.  Practice does me no good since the shot isn’t changing for me and I’m dialed in, so I will likely stop practicing that ½ hour before the league starts.  I was told this house uses cheap oil that evaporates quickly.  So they tell you that oil is laid down, but to me it always feels like it isn’t enough.  We have a 5-man team so I have many in my shot and it doesn’t hold up for any length of time.  I haven’t had a single good night here, no 700’s.  

House #2.  Many nights I get dialed in if there is enough oil down for me.  I move about 3-4 times during the night.  Most of the time my adjustments work, other times it doesn’t.  I average 210 here.  I practice about 3 games before the league starts and I typically get dialed in.  This is a trio league. I’ve had many 700’s and high 600’s here this year.

House #3.  I’ve been dialed in every night of the week.  Nobody is playing in my shot because it is a mixed league.  We’re first shift oil so it is a good coat.  I typically make no adjustments or 1-2 minor adjustments on the approach (e.g. step back or move right or left 1-2 boards).  I average 222 and I have no problem stringing strikes here.  If I were to practice the shot would be the same.  Many of the bowlers are lower average bowlers.  I have shot my highest series this year in this house (785).

So, I’m asking if anybody else out there has a 20+ pin variance in average between houses?  If you do have this variance have you analyzed why this is?  

I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  

Edited on 1/16/2004 9:37 AM
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  



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Re: 20+ variance in average.
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2004, 10:18:47 AM »
LOL.....I wouldn't worry too much, average is all relative if you ask me.

So, I’m asking if anybody else out there has a 20+ pin variance in average between houses? If you do have this variance have you analyzed why this is?

I actually have a 50 pin difference in average between my high average and low.

League #1: This is my normal league. I've been bowling in this league since my return to bowling after a 3 year break. For the last 3 complete seasons I averaged 217 here. I chose this leagur due to it's high calliper of bowlers, and it was not a "walled" house. This year the oil machine has been broken all year. The typical pattern is burned up heads, dry mid-lanes, and hooking backends. My average this year is 202, although it will probably drop a little after last night.

League #2: This is a house notorious for leaving the corner due to the carry-down. This year I figured out how to carry more, but while doing this I've succeeded in making the pocket much smaller making my mistakes really difficult spare conversions. Current average here is 234.

League #3: I bowled my low series of the year here this week, 718. This was partially due to the 4- 8 pins and 2-9 pins I left. I've never seen my ball hit as hard as it does here. I play 5th arrow out to about the 5 board at 45 feet and can really open up the lane, averaging 251.

I'm not real worried about the differences in average because I know that I can go into any house and compete on a pretty high level. This level may be 200 or 250, it's all relative to the house and what type of pattern they are putting out. Of course, if it wasn't necessary for me to use plastic or urethane for my strike ball in league #1 I probably would carry a bit better there......


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Re: 20+ variance in average.
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2004, 10:24:10 AM »
20 pins is the difference between a 3-bagger or other words, a difference in carry between the houses.  In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter.  Trying to compare averages between houses can be like comparing apples to oranges.


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Re: 20+ variance in average.
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2004, 10:33:24 AM »
There are almost an unlimited number of reasons why your average can (and will) vary from house to house.  You've already spotted some likely culprits: In some environments, there are other bowlers on the lanes that will help break them down where you are bowling, in some environments there are not.  The pattern is different from house to house and each of us has a specific line that we'll score better on than any other so conditions closest to our "ideal" will generally yield higher scores.  Not every house uses the same type and brand of conditioner so the shot breaks down faster in one place than another.   Subconsciously, you're probably more comfortable bowling in one place than the others.  The list is endless...
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates who said, "I drank what?"