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Author Topic: 200 averages  (Read 2911 times)


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200 averages
« on: April 02, 2004, 11:55:29 PM »
i have saw numerous times on here snide remarks about people who say things like "just another crappy bowler who doesn't even have a 200 average". it really gets on my nerves, especially when most people on here probably inflate their own averages for their own self ego. i see people supposedly sporting 240 averages on here, lol what a joke that is. seems to me if your average is 240 plus and i don't know your name from bowling on the pba then the truth isnt being told here. 190 , 200,  210, 220 averages are mostly due to the houses easy shot, but not all the time. point here is 200 average doesn't make you special, nor does telling everyone lies on the internet about huge inflated averages. i have bowled for over 30 years have yet to reach 200 (193) but i am consistent and bowl better against better opponents. i personally can't wait to come to a bowlers forum get together so i can admire these 240 plus bowlers in person, bet they dont show though. 200 average isnt all that. sorry I have an attitude today , I'm doing my income taxes



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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2004, 03:01:54 PM »
thanks 6 on the deck , made me  laugh really hard. i needed that. no refund for me i am self employed.


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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2004, 03:14:37 PM »
Hi Freedom,

I hear you to a point about the numbers but as Bones stated before, they're all relative now from days of past.  The only 240 I posted about was my good friend Anthony Chapman who was the 1992 U.S. National Amateur Champion, last year he won his Regional Rhodman tournament and continued on to win the National Rhodman.

I don't even know how many times he's made Team USA but Anthony is no fluke or averages 240 for his ego.  If you talk to him, he's one the nicest guys and will first to say that the shot he's bowling on right now is very soft but in my mind, if it's that soft, why isn't everybody 240?  He IS that tough...
Rick Leong
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Edited on 4/3/2004 4:18 PM
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2004, 04:32:03 AM »
From what I understand I have yet to see reports from get togethers on this site where anyone reported false ability. Seems like the ones who don't even offer to come are the ones pulling the antics you stated above.

I've met a couple of people off of the site.  Same conclusion I've noticed.  I spent 3 weeks in Florida over xmas, had one particular poster I wanted to bowl with, seems like he was shooting 800s every other week.  Funny that he never had a free couple of hours in that time frame.

The other times it makes you wonder.  Are they really tied up and can't make it or have they "inflated" their average and don't want to be embarrased.

Everyone that has made a get together has fit their profile.
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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2004, 05:18:02 PM »

When you're here long enough you'll know who's stating the truth.
Try to access the bowlers ability by what others write about them.

You forgot about Pchee 2. He's only averaging 162 or so he says but I would'nt want to play against him in matchplay.


"Faulty mechanics makes all balls bad."  Bill Hall, BTM Dec. '98


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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2004, 05:39:10 PM »
If I inflated my avg on here, it would still be embarassing. So I will just keep that info to myself.
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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2004, 05:50:14 PM »
well i'm gonna go ahead and get my head ripped off... I honestly think if you can't average 200 with today's technology and easy shots then you are not the "good bowler" that you may think you are. I have gotten ripped apart at tourneys and I do have a 200+ avg.  I have struggled lately and i won't lie about it. I have been having almost 0 big games. The best i have had in the last month was a 268, and that was on a cupcake shot. To boot i barely broke 700 with that game in there.  Anyway thats enough about me.  I do know a 242 avg. guy, on that same cupcake shot I refered to earlier.  He throws a scout reactive and cranks the Holy __________ out of it.  I throw a Too Hot with less revs and have no problems with moving in that house, just to let you know that conditions. The thing is he gets killed in every other house, he is the definition of a house hack.  So NO you won't ever hear about guys like that.  I do agree that there are A LOT of people on here that can't come close to their average that they claim to have.  I don't know why people lie.  there is no point in it. I am not impressed by somebody with a 200 avg. nope thats not that great.  Show me a REAL 220+ ( can do it anywhere) guy and I am impressed.  Show me a 200+ guy on a SPORT SHOT, then yes you are a real good bowler. A guy that can't avg. 205 on a THS then I'm not even considering you good, sorry.  If there really are all these 200+ guys out there, I rarely run into them, so either they all come here or there are a bunch of guys who don't tell the truth.


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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2004, 10:48:21 AM »
crankncrash, I agree to some extent, except there are houses with a shot that is tough, and carrying a 200 is a major challange.  The house I normally bowl in, there are 215+ left and right.  It seems every team has just about 2 of them.  However, the other house in the city, the only bowlers I've seen carry the 200+ averages were PBA bowlers.  It's gotten to the point where the high average bowlers from the easier house won't even go to the other place because they can't score well.  Come city tourny time, the teams from the tougher house are right there with the rest of them.  Last year I carried a 210 at one, and 195 at the other (although a few long Islands may have negatively affected that average a bit)


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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2004, 11:07:10 AM »
I love these people that come on with these high averages. I'm not saying that they r bad bowlers but i think that their averages would take a nice drop if they were to bowl on some nice old wooden lanes. I carry about a 195 average and the highest league average i've seen around my house is under a 210. I've bowled on synthetics with my cousin in his league(where I average about a 220+) and they have quite a few people with over a 200 average with 5 or 6 with around a 220+. Once they got on some old wooden lanes the highest man only shot a 620. The rest didn't even hit a 6. So guess I would have to say that most of these high average bowlers don't necessarily deserve a lot of credit especially when they r on easy lanes all the time.
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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2004, 01:15:51 PM »
make your spares, catch a double=200
Not that tough.

I honestly bowl in a very good carring center with THS and I am averaging 229.  The most I have ever averaged.   But I believe my low average in the last 5 yrs is 216.

I bowled collegiately.
I have bowled for over 20years and am only 29.
It's in my genes.  My dad was part of the 1410 Linds team.  
I am from Central Illinois.   We have numerous 220+ ave bowlers in 1 league.  

Sorry to break your hearts out there but if 200 is the 180 of years ago, then why cant everyone average 200?   Seems to me that the scratch bowler of today is 220+.


Jason Jenkins
"Nothing HITS like a Hammer"


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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2004, 01:27:38 PM »
well put anotherwindup
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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2004, 01:59:21 PM »
I agree with some of the points freedom makes and some of the points from the replies.  I am personally one of those 'crappy bowlers who don't even average 200'.  That is why I am here... I know there will be people who inflate their averages (this is the INTERNET) - but who does it hurt?  Them.  Fine with me, I just finished my 2nd year in a bowling league and I raised my average from 183 to 185.  Now I want to get more serious so I want to rely on the information I can get from this site to get better.  Windup makes a good point and if that is the case, than I definitely have my work cut out for me - but here goes!
If you can't DODGE it, RAM IT!!

I'd put a witty bowling slogan on here, but I'm not that good yet...


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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2004, 02:10:47 PM »
I agree with some of the points freedom makes and some of the points from the replies.  I am personally one of those 'crappy bowlers who don't even average 200'.  That is why I am here... I know there will be people who inflate their averages (this is the INTERNET) - but who does it hurt?  Them.  Fine with me, I just finished my 2nd year in a bowling league and I raised my average from 183 to 185.  Now I want to get more serious so I want to rely on the information I can get from this site to get better.  Windup makes a good point and if that is the case, than I definitely have my work cut out for me - but here goes!
If you can't DODGE it, RAM IT!!

I'd put a witty bowling slogan on here, but I'm not that good yet...

If you have only bowled for 2 years then that is respectable.   I admire the people who want to work hard and get better.  I don't admire people who don't think it is possible to ave 240 with hard work.    

I live 45 mins from the center that produced a 261 season average for Jeff Carter.  I have bowled there numerous times-  I didn't average 261, therefore there still is some skill left in this game.    

And....why punish the better bowlers with these crazy tournaments that are handicapped off of 240?   Why not handicap them from 210, and give the guy who has bowled all his life and practices, the 30 pin advantage.    

Crazy....Bloomington, IL city tournament leading singles score...........948   Hmmm guess no scratch bowler is going to beat that!!!  Now that's silly!!!!

Jason Jenkins
"Nothing HITS like a Hammer"


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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2004, 03:35:27 AM »
To clear up any miss info I just put my real name as my screen name. If you want info on me you got to work a little bit for it
Big Tom  


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Re: 200 averages
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2004, 04:46:04 AM »
Have been averaging 206-207 for the last several years on a THS. This year down to 196 due to several things-----
 1. My mind was on golf not bowling in the early part of the season.
 2. I updated my arsenal and went through an adjustment period.
 3. Too many missed spares----that's my own fault---but true. Specifically 10 pins.
 4. Last but not least---outside stress that has affected my entire life. Again,my problem but it is hard to concentrate sometimes when your mind just isn't there.
 Then again,maybe it's the bowling gods making up for all the shots that carried over the last few years that carried and maybe shouldn't have---------lol.  
