well i'm gonna go ahead and get my head ripped off... I honestly think if you can't average 200 with today's technology and easy shots then you are not the "good bowler" that you may think you are. I have gotten ripped apart at tourneys and I do have a 200+ avg. I have struggled lately and i won't lie about it. I have been having almost 0 big games. The best i have had in the last month was a 268, and that was on a cupcake shot. To boot i barely broke 700 with that game in there. Anyway thats enough about me. I do know a 242 avg. guy, on that same cupcake shot I refered to earlier. He throws a scout reactive and cranks the Holy __________ out of it. I throw a Too Hot with less revs and have no problems with moving in that house, just to let you know that conditions. The thing is he gets killed in every other house, he is the definition of a house hack. So NO you won't ever hear about guys like that. I do agree that there are A LOT of people on here that can't come close to their average that they claim to have. I don't know why people lie. there is no point in it. I am not impressed by somebody with a 200 avg. nope thats not that great. Show me a REAL 220+ ( can do it anywhere) guy and I am impressed. Show me a 200+ guy on a SPORT SHOT, then yes you are a real good bowler. A guy that can't avg. 205 on a THS then I'm not even considering you good, sorry. If there really are all these 200+ guys out there, I rarely run into them, so either they all come here or there are a bunch of guys who don't tell the truth.