man i stink i mean i stink like a 3 day dead skunk and nothing i do works been bowling for about 6 years now and i am worse than when i started and i dont know why, its not my equipment all my balls do exactly the same thing hook tooooo much ,on any condition and i cant make the adjustments to utilize it i think its my ball speed more than anything ,but i cant seem to get more speed without sacrificing accuracy ,example today i shot abt ths nothing fancy ,2 squads , 127,239,119, and the second squad was worse dont even remmebr the scores ,but i have been in this boat for almost a year now i get a lucky game every once in awhile do i just quit or is there any hope . I am tired of looking like i have never picked up a ball every time i bowl sinking in quicksand can anyone help i mean seriously is there any help for me.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling