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Author Topic: thumb problems  (Read 882 times)

3M Dust Remover

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thumb problems
« on: January 11, 2010, 04:53:24 PM »
im having some real thumb issues. i have a bruise that wont go away on the top of my thumb between the nail and the first knuckle (i hope that makes sense). im getting a callas on my the left side of my thumb knuckle annnd, at the bottom of my thumb, on the inside, where it connects to my hand, i have this knot that feels like a bubble that if i hit it right shoots pain. Sooo, what do you think is wrong? It doesn't hurt or anything while bowling, but im having some real issues with consistent release and i know a thumb shouldn't be going through this if something wasn't wrong.



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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2010, 01:11:01 AM »
The callas at the base of the thumb is normal. besides that I would say you should add a little negative pitch to get rid of the bruise and a little side to get rid of the rest of the callas on the side of the thumb. also, wear is this bubble exactly?
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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 02:44:36 AM »
Just to preface this I have been in the proshop business for about 15 years. This doesn't by any means mean that there aren't going ot be other ideas but here it goes (backwards). If you are talking about a callas on the inside of your thumb where lets say the top of your bowling ball thumbhole would be it could a number of things. Taking into consideration all of the callasing I would say it could be 3 things (separate or combined)

1 - Your span is way to long. When your spans to long you will not only rub on the back of your thumb (callas on back) and/or rub alot more on the bottom of the thumb. One way to tell if the span is long is to put all 3 fingers in the ball and look to see if your middle and ring finger are turning white and/or being pulled out of the ball. this will be your first indication.
2 - Atleast for the bottom of your thumb you might not have enough bevel (how round the top of the thumbhole is) Sometimes underbeveling can atleast cause that last issue.
3 - It definately could be a pitch issue. Right Lateral in a thumb pitch (where your thumb is angled under your palm) Could definately cause the rubbing and callasing. As Lock said moving the pitches might be a good idea (while still verifying 1 @ 2)

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