Yeah, I was bummed about that! They switched our squad times during the week. I'll be bowling the Dutchman a few times next year - I'll let ya know when we go!
And for what it's worth, I had the Team house with some pretty gross backends that never really opened up, and the S/D house hooking from the start! But the S/D house kind of stayed the same for the majority of the 6 games, which I found quite nice.
Yup! That team house was tricky. The pattern was flat. I bowled on it with a little surface and went 192-200 the first two games. Okay, but not great. Then when we switched lanes, we went to over/under hell!! I don't know how the heck those guys were paying the lanes. I got so frustrated, I moved from playing down and in to swinging the entire lane with a strong pearl.....and that was the ticket, but way too late!
The sgls/dbls house was WIDE OPEN!! And I missed it! I should have bowled 6 games of 200+ games.......but I didn't!! Sad, sad execution on my part but I get to go back again in another three weeks. I don't plan on missing it then!
Hopefully, I'll look for you next season. I'll let you know how I did on the second pass when I get back!