in my case, this year, the first frame is usually an over adjustment of speed or angle. I have been bit too many times after a good 10th frame with a big split because the line had broken down. many times it is a 4 pin or a split, so I usually change my line by a board or pick up my speed a little and leave a ten pin. Also there is the case where I lose focus after a good finish and just don't release the ball correctly. Name a mistake and I have made it. This year, 795 and a 290 along with a front 10 289. Along with an open 11 bagger 278. Not so many 279's this year. When I leave a pin, I usually end up leaving 1 or two more during the game. Frustrated that the lanes are easier and I cannot seem to break the big one (300/800). BTW Last year 214, this year 226. At 61 years old, I don't think I improved that much.