Lady, I knew their ability and that wasn't really the issue. Yes, I get upset when we lose b/c they can't even mark in the tenth. I am not averaging 300 so technically I don't have any right to complain. However, I can't 700 every night for us to win.
The biggest issue is personality conflicts. I am a difficult person to bowl with, I admit that. I like to concentrate and normally I don't talk much when I am bowling. The man we bowl with is a cheerleader, he thinks every shot is a great one. Scenario: I am talking to a friend about drilling his ball for him. The guy on my team comes two lanes over to give me a five for HIS shot. That in itself drives me nuts. I can't stand people that shove a hand in your face after every shot. I am a team oriented person, I say "nice shot", "good pickup" and things of that nature. I personally don't feel every mark warrants a high five. His wife is another story. He tries to coach her and they end up arguing and then guess what.....both go to sh1t.
We lost our team from last year. My wife and I were kinda stuck looking for another couple to bowl with. I will stick this season out, bowl for myself which in turn should help the team. We can just move on next year.
"Act like you've been there before"