Life ain't fair!!! Get over it! With 100% handicap there is NO reason to improve, no reason to strive to become more knowledgable about the sport and learn something.
Most of what is wrong with today's "yoot" is this BS about no self esteem, like all the kids get a trophy, everybody gets to play. What a bunch of crap! When I was a kid (many years ago) the kid that owned the baseball got to be the pitcher and the kid that owned the bat got to be first up (in baseball).
Nowadays, the parents are so involved in the rules and organization they ruin it for the kids. All the kiddies must have all the regulation equipment like the big leaguers have. They tried to make a girl catcher wear a cup, if I remember correctly.
For goodness sakes, let the kids be kids! Some win, some lose. It is a part of life. I hate to see this generation grow up and begin to run the country. Of course they will have wonderful self-esteem and then go blow their brains out after their first failure. (But of course, that would be the NRA's fault)
There will always be someone bigger, tougher, meaner, faster, whatever. Sooner or later we will meet our match and lose. The great ones get up and get back on the horse. The rest of them just sit and cry cause they cannot cope with life.

What's with the Braille on a drive-up-ATM?
Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.