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Author Topic: 2nd Shift Help Needed  (Read 862 times)

Beach Bowler

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2nd Shift Help Needed
« on: February 13, 2004, 11:26:44 PM »
INFO: Avg. 220+ on (2) 1st shifts & 210+ on (2) 2nd shifts. All bowled in same 1yr old Synthetic Lane House on differing amounts of light to medium oil w/ EASY THS layouts (no self-deception here about actual bowling abilities).
I start w/ my Icon2 (label leverage..) in the 12-8 board area at the arrows w/ a slight angle out to my breakpoint of 9-6 or so. If the Icon2 is leaving weak tens I switch to the Messenger BSP for more length and angle to carry.

PROBLEM: While I am able to make the minor (hand  position, feet &/or mark position, change balls and then revs to a lesser extent) adjustments needed during the 1st shift to adjust for pattern transitions during the set, I have a much more difficult time making adjustments to the more 'blotchy'/major  transitions that occur during the 2nd shifts.

SOLUTION Needed: While more 2nd shift play (I'm in my 2nd year of 2nd shift exposure) will probably help, I am wondering if two or so additional balls might not help me a little more quickly until added experience can kick in. (Besides, I'm almost 50 years old and not learning as fast as I used to...)
I have been tinkering with the idea of getting a Full Throttle/Throttle-R or Ultimate Inferno/Blazing Inferno two-ball combination drilled (help needed here) to enable me to counter what I perceive as 2nd shift carrydown/burnt heads/sloppy midlanes.
Or, I could be way off base here.
As you can see, any and all assistance will be appreciated!!!

Note: I have been reading this board ever since I returned to bowling almost two years ago. Everything I know about this game I have learned from here.
Thanks All...
Pins at the beach are top heavy; therefore, the scores are higher.


Beach Bowler

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Re: 2nd Shift Help Needed
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2004, 08:12:04 PM »
Bones - Thank you for the response. I have read your BR posts with great interest these past two years.

I did see your recent 2nd game blues post. For me, the majority of them happen during the 2nd shift. During 1st shift there is usually enough head oil for me to survive w/ just a few minor adjustments.

Being a 6-15 board at the arrows comfort zone bowler, on 2nd shift, once my head area is gone there isn't anywhere for me to move to find any additional skid. (Seems everyone else is inside-out bowling and that area is already gone.) This fact is what caused me to wonder if a stronger core/coverstock (reactives preferred for longevity) two ball combo might not allow me some flexibility to play a little deeper and still recover. This would have to happen in spite of my lack of major hand.

Must admit, I never thought about Urethane for later in the second shift. Wouldn't have thought it to be strong enough. But there-in lays your point. Seems the biggest hurdle w/ Urethane today would be a lack of core options.

In finding a suitable Urethane, would a stroker like myself be better suited w/ an even reacting ball drilled to go little on the longer side, a backend reacting ball drilled to catch a little more in the midlanes or an earlier reacting ball drilled to go longer. (I have learned from several excellent posts on BR that my 10-35 degree behind the ball style and moderate speed encourages midlane reaction without much additional help.)

I also had wondered if a Brunswick Monster Bruiser drilled pin-in, stacked under the ring finger might not work for me in this 2nd shift jigsaw puzzle.

I realize I am asking for a lot of assistance. But I just feel compelled to learn as much about this game as quickly as I can.

Thanks again.
Pins at the beach are top heavy; therefore, the scores are higher.

Doc Hollywood

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Re: 2nd Shift Help Needed
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2004, 08:29:41 AM »
MBland - I read your post and know what you are dealing with.  Looking at your drill pattern of label leverage may also be giving you some trouble with the transitioning lanes.

I start w/ my Icon2 (label leverage..) in the 12-8 board area at the arrows w/ a slight angle out to my breakpoint of 9-6 or so. If the Icon2 is leaving weak tens I switch to the Messenger BSP for more length and angle to carry.

The weak 10's are usually from the Icon2 burning too much energy in the heads and mids before the ball reaches the pin deck.  The ball tends to deflect more then drive.  So by going to the BSP that is helping because of the weaker cover.

With your average it sounds as if you know what you are doing.  Playing deeper is the option but it sounds as if you struggle with that.

Bones suggestion to using a urethane is excellent. I have another one for you.

Try a pearl reactive or a light load particle pearl with a MB and drill it for an even roll a 2 3/4 pin to PAP and adjust the cover to deal with carry down.

I haven't suggested a MB placement here because I do not know what your axis rotation or tilt may be.  I would only have to guess with your medium speed and low to medium revs that your axis tilt stands up quickly and that the axis rotation is about 30-45 degrees based on what you stated earlier.  If this is the case then you would want to swing the MB to the left under the thumb or closer to the track.  This would help the ball retain tilt and rotation longer thus saving energy for the pin deck.  

I hope this helps.  Message me if you need more help.
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Beach Bowler

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Re: 2nd Shift Help Needed
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2004, 09:16:42 AM »
Thanks Bones & Thanks Doc. I really appreciate the insights you have given here.
I'm off to begin my research of available Urethanes (XXL included), pearl reactives &/or light load particle pearls with a MB. (Dead-on suggestion on MB placement to help me retain rotation and axis tilt.)

I see my objective to be:
Find a ball or balls that will get me through the heads and well into the midlanes. Then make its move (maybe one w/ arc & one more angular) to/through the pocket with disregard of what combination of oil &/or dry awaits it on the backends. All the while retaining the necessary energy to carry all ten pins into the pit.

I seriously don't know where I'd be w/o BR and terrific fellows such as yourselves.

Good bowling to you both.
Pins at the beach are top heavy; therefore, the scores are higher.