This all depends on the type of hook that you are talking about.
Due to the lower revolutions of a 16 pound ball, The ball will grab the lane sooner and have what is known as "heavy roll." It may not seem like the ball is hooking a lot, because the ball will not snap as hard off the dry, but it is working to hook when there is still oil.
With a 14 pound ball, it will appear that it will have more hook. The reasoning behind this is that the effect of kinetic friction will be lower when the 14 pound ball is rolling down the lane compared to a 16 pound ball. Not only is the 14 pound ball not creating as much force due to the lower weight, but it has a lower coefficient of kinetic friction because it has a higher rev rate and thus, cannot grab the lane. When it finally does reach dry, it will look as if it is snapping harder, because it did not expend energy fighting to hook in the oil as much as the 16 pound ball.
So in conclusion, the 14 pound ball will hook more when thrown with the same force, even if it is thrown faster, because of the fact that the 16 pound ball will attempt to and succeed in grabbing in the oil more than the 14 pound ball.