I'm getting the itch. Been looking at local leagues. Been stalking averages. Been finding out what equipment people are using. Been looking at YouTube. Anyways, here are 3 questions/topics to discuss today Friday, December 4, 2015:
Ball Drilling IdeaSo thinking back to about ball release from the fingers and thumbs, I've always wondered if it was possible/legal/safe to have holes NOT drilled perpendicular to the bowling ball surface. Not everyone's hands fit a bowling ball the same and maybe having your thumb and fingers shuved into a ball 8.5 inches in diameter isn't the most comfortable. I'm most interested in getting the thumb to come out easier. Has anyone thought about drilling the thumb more at an angle towards the center of the palm. Obviously, I'm going for a way to get the thumb out quick so hopefully you get the idea of what I'm asking. Or maybe the stress and impact of the ball might crack the hole at some point down the line?
Using Heavier Weight/Ball To Warm Up Before League PlayI noticed that golf, like baseball, you use multiple clubs/bats or a weighted end to do practice swings before hitting the driving range or playing a round of golf. The use of a heavier weight makes your actual club/bat seem lighter and you are able to have more control and swing either much faster. While ball speed might not be the goal, having the ability to cup and put more revs on the ball might. Has anyone considered using a 14lbs ball or 15lbs ball as their main ball and bringing a 16lbs ball to use during practice before league play? I'm thinking about going down to 14lbs so I can get more revs, but think I will bring a 15-16lbs ball and use that before leagues start. What you think?
Lane Oil VolumeI haven't bowled seriously since 2009, but I remember that outside of expensive tournaments and Friday Night head-to-head competition, lane oil was a stingy commodity among bowling alleys. I had to keep my ball speed up 20mph+ just to keep the ball on the right side of the head pin. Are your traditional leagues oiling the lanes before leagues begin? The one league I'm considering joining occurs right after another league. It also has me wondering if this is the reason for the high averages as discussed in question 1.
Happy Friday!