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Author Topic: 300 game stories  (Read 6268 times)


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300 game stories
« on: January 22, 2009, 11:33:16 AM »
does anybody have a funny story about their first 300 (or any 300 game)...for example a poor series or followed by a terrible game...

my first 300 (and only one so far) was in a local singles tournament with a top prize of $1,000 where you bowl 6 games and keep your best 5 bowling on a different pair each first game was the 300 then followed it up with first 2 strikes second game, nice split open, and banged out for a 262, so 800 is a definite possibility, only to follow that game up with a 161. following that game i throw a 279 so i really hate myself for that 161. then after that throw another 160+ game and follow that with a 234...well lets just say i placed 3rd in the tourney winning $200...i lost out by 4 pins!!!! 4 pins was the difference between $200 and $1,000


B-Team 300

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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2009, 08:34:35 AM »
my first 300 was in a high school match. in the 9th frame the opposing coach sat next to me and kept saying "You ever done this before? must be nervous, would hate to leave a ten pin right now huh?". i struck out, but my team still lost by a pin, ONE PIN!!!!! the other team (these are 4 man teams) avg. 245. i thought it was quite funny
2008 State Champs, Trinity Forever
Bellarmine University Bowling

I would have lost it on the coach.  Trying to play mind games with a kid bowling for an opposing team...thats pretty low.

On monday, the guy that owns the house shot 300 his last game.  He had spent a lot of time that night on the roof of the bowling alley clearing off snow and ice as the roof had developed a leak.  Then he comes in a shoots decent the first 2 games and then shoots 300 the final game....with 2 domino strikes in there for good measure.
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i would have lost it on her, but i was only a sophomore and it being my first chance at 300, i was quite nervous and my mind was racing, not until after did my coach remind me that i should have cussed her out of the alley
2008 State Champs, Trinity Forever
Bellarmine University Bowling


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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2009, 08:41:38 AM »
Well my first 3 hundred came in the first round of a doubles team match. For qualifying the lanes were really tight so i used my old the hex to start off.  I shoot 650 without using my thumb then as they broke down i started off up five fluffing it with my speed demon and it was rolling out.  I switched to my inferno and shoot 300 the first game of semis with my thumb.  The next game start off strike then 10 pin messenger miss spare strike then ended up with a 224 and last game 184 lol but we made it too the finals which was then baker.

The funny thing about this, is that this was the first time my mom or dad did not come to a tournament and as an experiment it worked lol.  to this day neither of them have seen a 300.  

(Forest Gump Voice On)My second sanctioned 300 was memorable too it was a saturday afternoon league with an oil shot like a box of chocolates(Forest Gump voice Off). lol I shoot 178 193 167 and the final game i was bowling this girl that i had to give 60 pins to.  She started with the front 3 and i am like so what do i do?  keep on striking and not looking back lol.
Kiall Hill
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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2009, 08:45:20 AM »
Last year I was bowling a tournament at a local house.  After 2 games it was looking like I was going to miss the cut.  There was a birthday party going on a few lanes over.  One of the kids grabbed a ball and ran up onto my lane while I was on the approach.  A bunch of us started yelling "no, no!" (not the kids' parents of course).  Kid looks back at us, then turns around and tosses it down my lane.  I didn't even know what to say or do.  I can't remember what frame I was in at the time, but I ended up shooting 300 and making the cut after all.  

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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2009, 08:54:54 AM »
I've thrown 2 300s in the 9 or so years I've been back to bowling (none before....way tooo young when I quit).

The first 300 I threw I had the pleasure of doing so when I was bowling with my 9 year old son in a Youth/Adult league.  He was so excited....probably more than me.

Sad thing is the second time I shot a 300, the next was below 200.  Oh well.
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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2009, 09:59:57 AM »
My first Sanctioned 300 Was on lanes 21-22.  On my last shot my knees started to wobble half way into my approach, resulting in a major TUG shot.  I went brooklyn(not even a good brooklyn) and the pins slowly fell!! I was 17 at the time.  We were bowling a doubles league and my partner shot 129, we lost the game by a pin!!! WTF!


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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2009, 10:07:44 AM »
My 2nd had a good story.  I was on a date with a chick for the first time, and since we lived far from one another, our meeting place was a bowling alley.

We bowled a few games, and my first game I shot 300.

No HJ, No BJ,nothing.....we dated for a few months after that, but I mean come was a 300!!

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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2009, 10:23:05 AM »
One Saturday they made an announcement that they were paying out the 2nd game handicap pot with 301. We were only in the 5th frame because of a pin jam. I told the guy I was only in the 5th frame & had the 1st five strike and could tie with my one pin of handicap if I strike out. He laughed, said OK and walked away. About 20 minutes later I was the one laughing with 300 + 1 for the tie.


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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2009, 10:28:34 AM »
Roll Off? you would win because i doubt they would beat you heads up.
Kiall Hill
Visionary test staff


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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2009, 10:44:46 AM »
On the night of my first 300 my girlfriend(now my wife)who would always come down to watch me bowl after work, around 7pm, calls me and says that she isnt going to make it until after bowling ends and tells me jokingly not to shoot a 300. I did in the third game, and she comes walking through the front door while I'm getting a print out at the front desk. She asks me what I'm getting a print out for, so I show her the paper and she starts crying because she wasnt there, then gives me a big hug and kiss. She has been there for my next 2 though.

Edited on 1/23/2009 11:46 AM


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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2009, 10:53:13 AM »
After not bowling for almost 10 years, I talked my Dad into bowling in a men's league with a couple of old bowling buddies of his. About halfway through the league, my Dad shot a 289, the highest game of his life. The following week, I got stuck in traffic and walked into the center as shadow practice was completed. I changed shoes, threw the first 10 in a row, carried an absolute beaker for the 11th and threw a truck for the 12th and my first 300. To this day I'm 50% thrilled with the 300 and 50% bummed for stealing his thunder.

My dad doesn't bowl anymore, and I'm just waiting for one of my sons to return the favor.


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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2009, 11:03:49 AM »
My first 300, back in 1995, I was bowling on a 2nd shift league with all family members. My mom was the only one there with me that night. Grandfather and uncle are working musicians and had a gig.

I had two shots go through the nose where the pins toppled over and a couple brooklyns.

Around the 9th frame a crowd started to gather. This house had about 20 300 games thrown in it throughout the history. I buried 3 flush shots in the 10th to get it. Was pretty exciting.

Yet was one of my worse games performance wise. I've thrown so many 250+ games that were leaps better. That's bowling for ya.
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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2009, 04:08:54 PM »
I shot 300 at the USBC nationals last year 2nd game in team, then followed it up with a nice 152 lol

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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2009, 05:08:26 AM »
My first 300 game: 151-300-162 Raging Inferno Didnt even hit the head pin! I looked up and seen the 2-4-5-8 standing and something hit the head pin and it toppled over the bucket! I ran the shot out like 5 lanes down and almost flipped over the ball return!

My second 300 game: 162-300-226 Flash Force

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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2009, 05:51:27 AM »
My first 300 came last year.

I walked into a house ive never bowled in before and since I just recently moved next to this house I decided Id try bowling it.  well the league I decided to bowl jn has 7 established pros in  it so I went in  a little nervous.  There was one team looking for a bowler so I offered my services and the first game ever in the house I shot my first 300!  All of a sudden everybody in  the house including the pros started asking bout me---I wrote it off as just a fluke but then proceeded to throw first 8 in second game!!!  Ended night throwing 777,
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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2009, 06:32:13 AM »
My first 300 was the 3rd game of the night my second 300 was the 1st came of the night then 3weeks ago shot my third 300 and it was the 2nd game of the evening so I consider that a trifecta.
