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Author Topic: 300 game stories  (Read 6275 times)


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300 game stories
« on: January 22, 2009, 11:33:16 AM »
does anybody have a funny story about their first 300 (or any 300 game)...for example a poor series or followed by a terrible game...

my first 300 (and only one so far) was in a local singles tournament with a top prize of $1,000 where you bowl 6 games and keep your best 5 bowling on a different pair each first game was the 300 then followed it up with first 2 strikes second game, nice split open, and banged out for a 262, so 800 is a definite possibility, only to follow that game up with a 161. following that game i throw a 279 so i really hate myself for that 161. then after that throw another 160+ game and follow that with a 234...well lets just say i placed 3rd in the tourney winning $200...i lost out by 4 pins!!!! 4 pins was the difference between $200 and $1,000



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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2009, 10:19:52 AM »
Dont know how funny these stories are? Sounds like a good excuse to talk about 300s.....

About 7 years ago, a buddy and I had a friendly bet going---$5/game---$20 for a sweep.

1st night of the league---I shoot 230+, 230+, 300. $20. Now I was a sub---so not bowling close to every week. But I had bowled a few nights here and there. But he and I hadnt bet. So then, a little later in the season we catch a night where we are close to each other again.

We do the same $5/game, $20 for a sweep. I bowled terrible the first 2 games. 193 (which won), 160+. So we are even for money....

The last game he comes down about the 7th or 8th frame looking prouder than ever. "Looks like you'll be paying me tonight---I shot 268". I point at my scoreboard. He just says "You have got to be kidding me". I finish the 300. He disappears for about 5 minutes. He comes back---and he pays me---with $5 of pennies......

The night of the 2nd 300 in that league, something else happened. I had been throwing very few strikes. I struck on the fill ball of game 2. At the time, my best friend and his buddy had shown up. I told them they werent allowed to leave because I was on a string---a 1 bagger. So they stood there and we talked the whole last game---while I continued to string. My dad came in, in about the 3rd frame. He says in about the 6th frame---well Im going to go to the bathroom and hit the road. I said, "You know, you cant change anything on a string. Id hate for you to go to the bathroom now and have my string end". So they all stayed and I finished the job. I thought that was kind of comical.

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Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328


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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2009, 10:27:37 AM »
Shot 300 with a brooklyn in the third then a messenger in 7th frame and another brooklyn for the 12th one!!!  That was one of my worst shots.  had 178 and 187 for seires with the 300 in the middle!!
high score: 300 (1/10/07 Tropical Storm)
My Arsenal
Cell Pin above ring finger
Storm Rapid Fire Pearl Pin above ring finger
Columbia Messenger Low RG stacked label
Brunswick Inferno Pin above Bridge
2 tropical storms one pin up one pin down


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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2009, 10:49:54 AM »
I don't FIGJAM very often, so excuse me for this one.

My first (and only, so far) 300 was shot in the summer of '73 in Beaumont, TX.  Lacquer finished lanes that played best inside the third arrow, using a Brunswick Black Diamond in a scratch doubles league.  The center's owner had drilled the Black Diamond for me and convinced me to move inside, which I had been practicing.  I had only recently shot my first 700 series, so when I started with 248 and 236 my thoughts were on doing well enough to have another 700.  After the first six all I thought was that I'd really have to mess up not to have a 700.  In the seventh or eighth frame I tripped a 4 pin, the only shot that wasn't packed, and started thinking 300.  After the ninth the owner came over to watch, and I went back to talk to him.  I told him I thought I'd move back out to the first arrow for the tenth frame.  He almost had a coronary, I still can't believe he thought I really would.  The first shot in the tenth was no problem, but when time came to throw the second ball my knees were shaking so bad I almost couldn't pick the ball up.  Still managed to pack the final two for the 300.  Then the owner told me I had just set a new city record high 3 game series, 784, beating the old record  by 9 pins.  Not long after that the owner sold the center and the new owners came in and blocked the lanes.  As far as I know (I moved away in the spring of 1974) I still hold the city record for a series bowled on unblocked lanes.  --  JohnP

David Lee Yskes

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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2009, 12:03:19 PM »
My first 300, came back in Feb 2001, during our City Tournament.  Well the whole year at said house i was struggling badly, averaging like mid 180s, but at the other house i was low 200's.  

Well i decided to bring out my old El Nino, and got a practice lane and was feeling pretty good about my reaction.  Well it was the second shift of the tourny but we ended up with fresh lanes!!!  I start out first game going up 10, and have the first couple strikes and a few more, by the 9th frame of course everyone was getting quiet, and i flush my 10th, 11th one, i tug it and it goes brooklyn and i get a trip 6!!! and flush the 12th,,,  That was the only time i've had everyone who was bowling in the tourny come up and high-five me and give me congrats....  Because after that, the house went from a super hard shot, to completely blocked....  

The other special part was my mom happend to come watch me bowl and was so happy for me that she was crying..  which also happens to be the only time she's seen me bowl a 300....  

now for a good story about someone shooting 300, a friend of mine Jeff Clear, was pot bowling someone and shoots 299 against said guy, and is like come on i was just in the zone and bla bla bla, and gets this guy to go double or nothing the next game, and proceeds to shoot 300 lol.  

" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2009, 08:36:53 AM »
First 300 I shot was an accident of sorts.  A friend and I were bowling a mixed summer league with our wives.  I had been struggling with my equipment and asked him if he still had an old Black Hammer ( urethane ) which he had drilled but didn't like.  He told me he did and I asked him to bring it the following week.

  Next week rolls around and he bring the old Hammer.  Not really wanting to use it for a whole set ( because it didn't fit me all that well), I start out with my reactive ball, which was over reacting from the get-go. In the tenth frame, I pick up the old Hammer and say " What could I hurt now, it couldn't be any worse".

  First shot went WAY light, so I moved my feet10 boards right for the fill shot.  Ball hit weakly and left a weak 7 pin ( I'm a righty).

  Next game, I move two more boards right ( out into the dry ) and pipe the old Hammer right up the 7 board.  It made a small arc to the pocket and carried a light shaker. I thought "well, not impressive, but I think I'll go ahead and throw it until it doesn't work", so I continued.

  Frames two and three were more of the same, clipping the headpin and carrying light mixers. Not trusting that, I made another two board adjustment in the fourth frame. Feet on twelve, ball out over the five board, POW High flush, ten in the pit. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  Not really trusting, or believing, I just told myself don't fix what isn't broken, so I continued to throw the ball the same as best I could, and it continued to strike.  Then came the tenth frame.

  First ball came clean off my hand, felt like I got a little extra on it, but it settled into the pocket a touch high and rolled the four pin. First ball down.

  Second shot seemed to hang just a bit, but the follow through was good and the ball was on line. Settled into the pocket lightly and carried a hard swisher. Second ball down.

  Third shot and I was so nervous you could hear my teeth chattering, or at least it felt that way. My friend spoke up and said "Just do what you've been doing and don't think about it", so I tried, but I felt weak and the ball seemed to weigh 20lbs.  I got to the line SOMEHOW, and released the ball early with about 2/3 the revs I normally have, and about two boards inside my mark and all I can say is THANK GOD FOR URETHANE! That old Hammer just laid there, a frozen rope to the pocket.  The last thing I saw was the five pin sliding over into the seven pin for my 300.

  I've shot a couple more since then, but that first time will always be in my memory.  The thrill, the excitement, the relief.
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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #36 on: January 26, 2009, 04:07:32 PM »
My first 300 was memorable. I had nothing but quality shots and as I got closer to the 10th frame I felt the nerves creep up. The first shot in the 10th? Burried it. I'm waiting for the ball to come back and it seemed like forever. It wasn't forever but could have been as the ball was stuck and I had to call the desk. These break downs happen a lot so I felt myself getting frustrated, what a time. Finally the ball gets there, I try to settle down and actually threw a decent ball and struck. The last shot I was definitely nervous. I got out of the ball clean but I left a solid ten pin. As I stood in disappointment the pin must have been nipped by another and was actually spinning around. Just before the rack came down the pin went off the back of the deck and I stood there in disbelief.

My latest 300 I threw on a broken leg. I had rolled my right ankle 2 weeks prior, Xrays were negative but the pain persisted so I went for an MRI. That was on a Friday, Tuesday I bowled the 300 and weds I got word I fractured my shin bone. I'll use that as the excuse for the 161 follow up game after the 300. It really wasn't an excuse I could barely walk on it. I missed 3 weeks total and was back out there.


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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #37 on: January 26, 2009, 07:05:42 PM »
tonight at league a guy had the first 10.  Then the lane broke down.  Had to wait at least 20-30 minutes.    the lane was never fixed and he finished up on the other lane and finished his 300.
High game 300
High series 804
High triplicate 774
High average 221
best game. when I was 6 I bowled a 158


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Re: 300 game stories
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2009, 09:10:31 PM »
Wow thats pretty awesome..

My first was in a 4 game block

186-180-300-170 WOO!

To make it even unbelieveable, I picked up a ball that was just sitting on the Pro Shop counter before the 3rd game just to see how it fit. It was the owner/pro shop guys ball... He tells me to "throw it if you want". I proceed to shoot 300 that game never having thrown the ball before in my life!
Terre Haute, IN
Co-Owner/Operator of 10 Back Pro Shop
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Terre Haute, IN