This summer has been a re-tooling summer for my game. This will be my 22nd year, add to that that Carpel Tunnel has set in so Ive had to find things that alleviate those symptoms.
One thing is ive experimented with is a dropped ring finger on an old ball, and pitched the fingers away from the palm to eliminate most of the stretch in my grip. While most of the weakness has subsided, and the carpel tunnel is just not allowing me to squeeze the ball as much as I used too(which may be the best thing to come out of this), the ball just doesnt feel stable throughout my swing, it actually feels like the ball could fly off my hand at times.
Add to this that Ive had to change my whole setup in my stance to help with the weakness, im an old urethane cranker, so naturally ive always dug my fingers into the inserts, as well as cupping and turning my wrist, which got me where I am now. Also, we checked my pap and it used to be 4" straight over, now its in the 3 3/8" over, and 1" up range.
So a good friend who is a former PBA champ suggested to me the other day that I try a pinky finger hole. He says he went through exactly what I talked about here, and helped him so much that he still uses it today.
So does anybody use a pinky hole on here? Will this hole change my pap again, and will it affect ball roll?
Still taking your lunch money one strike at a time, just without a Mission in my bag....