I own my own center. I started bowling JR league at age 5. My Dad owns the center I started at and my Grandfather owned it before him, so any time in my life, if I wanted to bowl, I did. I did not get a 300 until 1995 in another center. I did have several 279's and a couple of 280's. I did finally get one at Dad's place in 1998, first one there in over 13 years and only one of 4 in 44 years of buisness. The oil pattern has not changed hardly at all over the years making it very challenging. At my center though, past operators have spoiled my coustomers with easier conditions and if they have a bad night, it's not THEM, it MUST be the lanes (or the guy running the lane machine). This is the same debate all across the entire bowling industry has been facing since lane blocking and oil pattern manipulation was discovered. As a proprietor, I want my customers to bowl well, but it has cost the game it's integrety. In most instances, if you tell someone that you know someone or saw someone bowl a perfect game, they assume the lane did the work. But, as a bowler, I know you still have to have good nerves to do it. I have 3 sanctioned 300's and I was nearly as nervous the third time as the first time, but it was easier. Like anything else you do, the more you do it, and do it well, the easier it gets. I do think easier oil patterns and resin/particle balls have made the game too easy. I would LOVE to see either an all plastic or all urethane (with not more than 1/4oz side/finger weights allowed and not more than 1000 grit sandings) league!!!!!!! Let that seperate the men from the wanna B's!!! If we proprietors take away the easy oil patterns, we will have a LOT less bowling centers. Damned if we do, and damned if we don't.
The one, the original, TOON!