This is the shot they put out at last year's Labor Day open for the ABT by me. I expect it to be the same or something similar. What would be a good coverstock or cover prep for this kind of condition? I've been eyeing the Pain for awhile, and might decide to pick that up. It's strong enough and the solid reactive I expect would give me some consistency. I don't like to use anything assymmetrical, so those are out. Thoughts? I plan to play a pretty tight line around 17 out to 12, I have medium speed and medium-low revs. I've had a LOT of success with the Doom in general, hence I'm leaning towards the Pain to complement it. I also don't want to get anything TOO condition specific, as I don't often see a shot like this one. Thanks!
I'm not a bowler, but I do play one on Ballreviews.
If you don't like Wrigley, you might as well leave the country and join the Taliban.