
We had the last day of the season Beat the Coach. It is always no-tap. We had 6 pair and 6 coaches. Each coach had to move a pair to the right after each game. I generally do not bowl well for these, so the kids love it.
I only brought my Blue Dot and started with 4 in a row, then a mix of spares & strikes for a 189.
I moved and again opened with the front 4, but this time I continued to strike. After I got the 9th one, one of the girls I have been working with came over and said "Wow! 9 in a row. I want to see you bowl 300." Bowling stopped on the adjoining pairs and several bowlers and parents moved behind our pair. I put it out of my mind and took the lane with a deep breath and "Trust" before starting my approach. In the pocket for a natural strike. It was the same for the next 2. It was cool! The kids, other coaches, and even parents came over to congratulate me. It was fun! Yea it was no-tap and I had about 5 or 6 no-taps, but you'd have thought I shot a real 300 from the reactions.
The last game was a solid 223. We added a twist, the 6 coaches against 6 youth selected by the youth. They won the bragging rights by 20 pins over the 18 games. Three of the coaches were under 600, I was 2nd high and high for the coaches was 804 without a 300. The youth had 1 under 600 and 2 in the low 700s.
The kids each got a jelly bean filled mini bowling pin for their first strike and a free game for each strike with a colored head pin. Then there was pizza, soda, and ice cream sundae's after bowling. It was fun for all!
USBC Bronze Coach "I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07