General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: BrianCRX90 on July 06, 2008, 05:13:30 AM
For those that live in high priced cities I feel for you. But in Texas, I should not have to pay anything close to 5.00 a game. At 8 pm and I was in the area by this AMF house I used to bowl at league before the house kicked us out so they could have glow bowl. A small league at a 52 lane house along with a few or so other people practicing and that was it. It cost 35 dollars with tax for 6 games. That's outrageous. If someone is going to charge that much they could at least put in a "buy 2 get 1 free". Unless you live right next to a bowling alley no one practices for 3 games and leaves. If you have 3 people your going to bowl more then 6 games so I ask who the hell is able to afford practice at centers like this?
That is insane, i'd never pay that much to bowl. I know at my local alley that is a bit of a dumpy place they charge at most 3 bucks a game. I have another center that I drive too that I complain about there 4 bucks a game at times. Guess I don't have it that bad.
WOW! Thats nuts.. I pay $.99 per game and I get a free game for every payed game in the summer. If not I'd have to pay 4.05. So I guess I got things easy.
"Don"t leave it if you can't pick it up"
Given today's typical house shots, who needs to practice?
I must have it REALLY GOOD !!!! .25 a game all summer, if you're a league member,
at both houses I bowl at here in Cincy.
Don't sweat the petty things, Pet the sweaty things!!!!

I never pay for practice, only for league.
Just get a job at the center..
Free bowling over here.
But, Brian, I feel for ya man. It seriously sucks, and gets real expensive.
Home of the Secret Sauce!
Edited on 7/6/2008 3:26 PM
The house closest to me charges something like $3.85 a game after 5pm (when I get off work) and on weekends. They thankfully have a $2/game deal after 9pm on Tuesday nights, so I can practice on the PBA Experience patterns after my regular Tuesday league.
Prices tend to be pretty high around here for bowling -- even when I worked for a bowling alley in high school, the employee discount was still something like $1.25 or $1.50 a game.
It gets up to $4+ here at the prime times. Add shoe rental (which most people who are bowling 6 games won't pay anyway, but a family will) and you're looking at $30+ easy. Taxes are already built into the posted prices, so they're not tacking that on extra.
For league members, it's $2 most of the time and $2.50 for evenings and weekends.
3.00-3.50 is going rate in my area. We're in between Philadelphia and Harrisburg. This isn't too bad.
While out of town this weekend, I opted to take my son to throw a few games in RURAL Delaware. $4.00 per game...all the time! Shocked me.
Brian Krantz
Track Amateur Staff
Building The Legion one member at a time!
Thats a lot compared to this one house. Dollar games tuesday and monday. On sundays, they put out 3 pba patterns bowl on them for a dollar each.
Given today's typical house shots, who needs to practice?
so you have what, 40 - 45 PBA titles?
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
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here if you are in a league open bowling is $0.49 and $0.50.
and amf house gave great coupons if the above two aren't open.
otherwise it can get quite pricy for the few houses that are open.
I geuss I have it good. Bowling Green in West Chicago IL. is a $1.00 a game all summer long so far.
dang. n i thought paying 2 bukks a game a my house was expensive
3.50 per person per game after 6
2.75 per person per game before 6
kids and seniors 2.75 anytime
league rate 2.25 a game
but we charge only 1.75 for shoes
I get my games for $1.50 but sometimes depending on the mood there in i get my games for free but that it crazy 35 dollars for only 6 games wow
I geuss I have it good. Bowling Green in West Chicago IL. is a $1.00 a game all summer long so far.
Are they going to keep that rate for July also? I was there every weekend and was hoping it was more than just a June promotion.
- woz
Our newest Brunswick Zone XL is $4.75/game without tax. And...there is a wait for lanes on Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun. On Friday and Saturday evenings, it looks like a popular club with literally a line outside to get in!
Prices range from 1.50 to 2.50 around here. No discounts unless you work there I bet, sometimes probably not even then. It used to be $1 but they changed it this summer to 1.50 at the center I bowl at. When I could have bowled 6 games, I can now only bowl 4. Not cool.
When i lived in Tallahassee,Fla, (thank goodness i dont anymore) bowl one game anytime was 4.75....and you can't bowl one game on the weekend you have to rent the lane for an hr...32.00 per i was in there on fri evening once to observe and they don't even have a fri nite league!!!they wait till 9:00pm for the cosmic bowling....during the week there is no 2nd shift leagues just one league per nite.....there's only 2 bowling house in the whole city and both conspire to charge the same amounts.....they did have a special on sunday morning from 9:00am to noon.....22.00 per i finally broke down and went there at 10:00 am....3 people working there, one guy was fixing the lanes but i was the only person in the whole 38 lane house...after i bowled an hr?....i was still the only person there beside the workers...what a waste of a bowling in Ohio sunday mornings you pay 1.50 per game and your on a waiting list if your not there by 9:30am...and thats at 2 large house and of course they both have fri leagues with cosmic afterwards
Our non-AMF centers are somewhere around $4.95 after 6pm. $2.59 M-F and $3.29 S-S before 6pm.
I think the going rate for AMF was around $5 per game, although they have been advertising $2.25 games before 5 pm - must be hurting since they chased all their leagues away!
I don't know what a "fair" price is, as I don't run a center. I know they are expensive to build and maintain, and you have to pay most of those expenses whether you have 3 people bowling or if you have 5-10 people per lane.
The thing I hated about AMF was they wanted you to pre-pay for your games. Many times I've gone in to bowl 3 games and ended up bowling 9-12. Last time I went to an AMF center, I told the guy 3 games - he only heard 2, and I wasn't upset in the least. Worst conditions I've ever had - didn't see a drop of oil on the lanes.
We always see people complaining about the cost of bowling, but rarely anything about the price of soda ($3 for 16oz, $3.50 for 24oz, or $4 for 32oz), the $7 for the 1/4lb cheeseburger, or the $4 for what amounts to a supersized McD's french fries. Heck, I think it's almost $4 for a grilled cheese sandwich, yet I can get a kid's grilled cheese meal (same sandwich) for $2.59, and that comes with fries and a drink!
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I think games run around 3 for non-peak and like around 5 for peak times. It gets quite expensive to bowl, unless you have coupons. This is why I only practice when I do have coupons, but then, I also only practice when they have Sport/PBA shots out on the lanes.
Like Bill said, with today's house shots, who needs to practice on that?
First one to leave 15 ten pins wins!
thats cheap.
Chelsea Piers in NYC chargers 9 dollars a game at times.
check my profile for my stats
My center is usually not cheap, but they run an awesome promotion on Monday Nights over the summer.
5 dollars per person for 2 hours on the PBA condition that is used for the following nights PBAX League. I was down there myself tonight and got a lane, bowled about 8 games for 5 bucks.
That would be a yes, they will have $1.00 a game for July also
The house I bowl summer league in gives you a card for three free games/day during the summer, one of the other houses in Sioux Falls has 1.99/line for everyone or a discount for their league bowlers, the other two lanes in town are around 3.50-4.00 per line. While on vacation this week was down in Omaha, NE tried out a new bowling entertainment center on the west side and they rent the lanes by the hour. We bowled a total of 14 games in 2 hours for a total of $35. Guess prices are a little cheaper in the midwest.