
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: BrianCRX90 on July 06, 2008, 05:13:30 AM

Title: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: BrianCRX90 on July 06, 2008, 05:13:30 AM
For those that live in high priced cities I feel for you. But in Texas, I should not have to pay anything close to 5.00 a game. At 8 pm and I was in the area by this AMF house I used to bowl at league before the house kicked us out so they could have glow bowl. A small league at a 52 lane house along with a few or so other people practicing and that was it. It cost 35 dollars with tax for 6 games. That's outrageous. If someone is going to charge that much they could at least put in a "buy 2 get 1 free". Unless you live right next to a bowling alley no one practices for 3 games and leaves. If you have 3 people your going to bowl more then 6 games so I ask who the hell is able to afford practice at centers like this?
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: themagician on July 06, 2008, 01:16:33 PM
That is insane, i'd never pay that much to bowl. I know at my local alley that is a bit of a dumpy place they charge at most 3 bucks a game. I have another center that I drive too that I complain about there 4 bucks a game at times. Guess I don't have it that bad.

Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: NtheDitch on July 06, 2008, 01:20:52 PM
WOW! Thats nuts.. I pay $.99 per game and I get a free game for every payed game in the summer. If not I'd have to pay 4.05. So I guess I got things easy.
"Don"t leave it if you can't pick it up"
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: Bill Thomas on July 06, 2008, 01:21:12 PM
Given today's typical house shots, who needs to practice?
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: walley 3261 on July 06, 2008, 02:10:56 PM
I must have it REALLY GOOD !!!! .25 a game all summer, if you're a league member,
 at both houses I bowl at here in Cincy.

Don't sweat the petty things, Pet the sweaty things!!!!
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: strikestriketapped on July 06, 2008, 02:17:47 PM
I never pay for practice, only for league.
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: FastTracker33 on July 06, 2008, 03:26:12 PM
Just get a job at the center..

Free bowling over here.

But, Brian, I feel for ya man. It seriously sucks, and gets real expensive.
Home of the Secret Sauce!

Edited on 7/6/2008 3:26 PM
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: Dan Belcher on July 06, 2008, 03:58:26 PM
The house closest to me charges something like $3.85 a game after 5pm (when I get off work) and on weekends.  They thankfully have a $2/game deal after 9pm on Tuesday nights, so I can practice on the PBA Experience patterns after my regular Tuesday league.

Prices tend to be pretty high around here for bowling -- even when I worked for a bowling alley in high school, the employee discount was still something like $1.25 or $1.50 a game.
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: shelley on July 06, 2008, 04:06:44 PM
It gets up to $4+ here at the prime times.  Add shoe rental (which most people who are bowling 6 games won't pay anyway, but a family will) and you're looking at $30+ easy.  Taxes are already built into the posted prices, so they're not tacking that on extra.

For league members, it's $2 most of the time and $2.50 for evenings and weekends.

Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: htownstaff on July 06, 2008, 04:11:10 PM
3.00-3.50 is going rate in my area.  We're in between Philadelphia and Harrisburg.  This isn't too bad.

While out of town this weekend, I opted to take my son to throw a few games in RURAL Delaware.  $4.00 per game...all the time!  Shocked me.
Brian Krantz
Track Amateur Staff
Building The Legion one member at a time!
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: ckel1392 on July 06, 2008, 04:52:14 PM
Thats a lot compared to this one house. Dollar games tuesday and monday. On sundays, they put out 3 pba patterns bowl on them for a dollar each.
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: charlest on July 06, 2008, 05:55:58 PM
Given today's typical house shots, who needs to practice?

so you have what, 40 - 45 PBA titles?
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Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: baltimora on July 06, 2008, 06:22:22 PM
here if you are in a league open bowling is $0.49 and $0.50.
and amf house gave great coupons if the above two aren't open.
otherwise it can get quite pricy for the few houses that are open.

Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: sevenpin63 on July 06, 2008, 06:30:26 PM
I geuss I have it good. Bowling Green in West Chicago IL. is a $1.00 a game all summer long so far.
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: volcomxstone199 on July 06, 2008, 07:12:01 PM
dang. n i thought paying 2 bukks a game a my house was expensive
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: lsf_21 on July 06, 2008, 07:33:09 PM
3.50 per person per game after 6
2.75 per person per game before 6
kids and seniors 2.75 anytime
league rate 2.25 a game

but we charge only 1.75 for shoes
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: VxSaUcYxV on July 06, 2008, 07:35:09 PM
I get my games for $1.50 but sometimes depending on the mood there in i get my games for free but that it crazy 35 dollars for only 6 games wow
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: witesoxwoz22 on July 06, 2008, 08:28:24 PM
I geuss I have it good. Bowling Green in West Chicago IL. is a $1.00 a game all summer long so far.

Are they going to keep that rate for July also?  I was there every weekend and was hoping it was more than just a June promotion.
- woz
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: scadreau on July 06, 2008, 11:36:48 PM
Our newest Brunswick Zone XL is $4.75/game without tax.  And...there is a wait for lanes on Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun.  On Friday and Saturday evenings, it looks like a popular club with literally a line outside to get in!
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: Jay on July 06, 2008, 11:45:56 PM
Prices range from 1.50 to 2.50 around here.  No discounts unless you work there I bet, sometimes probably not even then.  It used to be $1 but they changed it this summer to 1.50 at the center I bowl at.  When I could have bowled 6 games, I can now only bowl 4.  Not cool.
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: Mike James on July 07, 2008, 10:22:44 AM
When i lived in Tallahassee,Fla, (thank goodness i dont anymore) bowl one game anytime was 4.75....and you can't bowl one game on the weekend you have to rent the lane for an hr...32.00 per i was in there on fri evening once to observe and they don't even have a fri nite league!!!they wait till 9:00pm for the cosmic bowling....during the week there is no 2nd shift leagues just one league per nite.....there's only 2 bowling house in the whole city and both conspire to charge the same amounts.....they did have a special on sunday morning from 9:00am to noon.....22.00 per i finally broke down and went there at 10:00 am....3 people working there, one guy was fixing the lanes but i was the only person in the whole 38 lane house...after i bowled an hr?....i was still the only person there beside the workers...what a waste of a bowling in Ohio sunday mornings you pay 1.50 per game and your on a waiting list if your not there by 9:30am...and thats at 2 large house and of course they both have fri leagues with cosmic afterwards
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: qstick777 on July 07, 2008, 10:43:25 AM
Our non-AMF centers are somewhere around $4.95 after 6pm.  $2.59 M-F and $3.29 S-S before 6pm.  

I think the going rate for AMF was around $5 per game, although they have been advertising $2.25 games before 5 pm - must be hurting since they chased all their leagues away!

I don't know what a "fair" price is, as I don't run a center.  I know they are expensive to build and maintain, and you have to pay most of those expenses whether you have 3 people bowling or if you have 5-10 people per lane.

The thing I hated about AMF was they wanted you to pre-pay for your games.  Many times I've gone in to bowl 3 games and ended up bowling 9-12.  Last time I went to an AMF center, I told the guy 3 games - he only heard 2, and I wasn't upset in the least.  Worst conditions I've ever had - didn't see a drop of oil on the lanes.

We always see people complaining about the cost of bowling, but rarely anything about the price of soda ($3 for 16oz, $3.50 for 24oz, or $4 for 32oz), the $7 for the 1/4lb cheeseburger, or the $4 for what amounts to a supersized McD's french fries.  Heck, I think it's almost $4 for a grilled cheese sandwich, yet I can get a kid's grilled cheese meal (same sandwich) for $2.59, and that comes with fries and a drink!

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Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: Madiballz23 on July 07, 2008, 11:13:04 AM
I think games run around 3 for non-peak and like around 5 for peak times. It gets quite expensive to bowl, unless you have coupons. This is why I only practice when I do have coupons, but then, I also only practice when they have Sport/PBA shots out on the lanes.

Like Bill said, with today's house shots, who needs to practice on that?
First one to leave 15 ten pins wins!
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: burly on July 07, 2008, 11:26:14 PM
thats cheap.
Chelsea Piers in NYC chargers 9 dollars a game at times.
 check my profile for my stats
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: tenpin477 on July 07, 2008, 11:44:40 PM
My center is usually not cheap, but they run an awesome promotion on Monday Nights over the summer.

5 dollars per person for 2 hours on the PBA condition that is used for the following nights PBAX League. I was down there myself tonight and got a lane, bowled about 8 games for 5 bucks.
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: sevenpin63 on July 08, 2008, 08:00:58 PM

   That would be a yes, they will have $1.00 a game for July also
Title: Re: 35 $ for 6 games on a Tuesday night
Post by: rvmark on July 08, 2008, 10:47:01 PM
The house I bowl summer league in gives you a card for three free games/day during the summer, one of the other houses in Sioux Falls has 1.99/line for everyone or a discount for their league bowlers, the other two lanes in town are around 3.50-4.00 per line.  While on vacation this week was down in Omaha, NE tried out a new bowling entertainment center on the west side and they rent the lanes by the hour.  We bowled a total of 14 games in 2 hours for a total of $35.  Guess prices are a little cheaper in the midwest.
