I have a 32" waist and weigh 193, thank you very much. No, no gut here.
Although I was still 30 lbs heavier than BJ Autin )2nd from the left on pic 33).
By the way, that last guy is a member of the 900 series club. And since I had four Bass Ales that night... I forgot his name. Someone wanna help me out here?
Hey thanks for the kind words. But I have to pass the credit to Joey Amadeo who bowled his chunky tail off those two days. He's in 5th place for all events right now. His first Nationals too. I had a great reaction with the Crisis Pearl in Doubles. But my carry went to crap and I made some bad shots the last game for a 180. We're in second by 7 sticks, hehe. Of course that won't stand by the time everyone bowls. But it was nice to see my name on the scoreboard for a day, huh?
I roomed with your bratty son, The Hose. He stinks at the Blackjack tables but is hell on the nickel slots! Haha!
Next year is in Corpus Christi, Texas. So you KNOW allBowling.com will be representing in full form! We'll take more teams, and being in Texas it will be easy to find bowlers. We'll have to recruit you on a team!