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Author Topic: Ball Review Videos for Newbies  (Read 1325 times)


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Ball Review Videos for Newbies
« on: September 07, 2009, 12:57:26 AM »
Just wondering if there are any ball review videos out for bowling newbies.  I started bowling last season and am really enjoying it.  Starting to break the 200 barrier with some regularity and I'd like to purchase my first high performance ball.  Problem is I really don't get much out of watching these videos in their current format.  I'd love to see videos out that replace the sound tracks with actual bowlers commentary telling us why they chose that particular layout for that particular ball.  Show us a well thrown ball rolled from a chosen board to a target and let us see the reaction, then throw a ball from the opposite end of the spectrum (such as a 4000 pearl with polish vs a 1000 solid with no polish) and allow us to see the difference in ball reaction.  They could then compare a particular ball vs balls of comparable construction.  Again with commentary replacing the sound tracks.  Plenty of other things can also be added.  I'd certainly get much more out of this than watching high rev players throwing big hooks with a cool soundtrack playing in the back round.  There's not enough context in the current format for the layman to really benefit much.



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Re: Ball Review Videos for Newbies
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2009, 09:27:34 AM »
I have a few videos up on youtube, although none really constitute a review. I think some of the points you've made are pretty interesting, I can tell you I've honestly never considered anything like the commentary you've suggested (I don't have any audio recording facility, and I can't stand the sound of my own voice). Most of the time when I've done video, I've done the whole sequence in the centre at once, so there is not the opportunity to sand/polish the ball without going home, and if you do it on different days there's no guarantee the pattern is the same.

I think you could look at Jeff Ussery's site as I think he goes into quite a lot of detail about layouts and what he's trying ot achieve (but no video as I recall).

I'd be grateful if you could pm me with some of your other suggestions and I can try and put something together over the next month or so (I'm pretty busy at the moment, should quieten down soon though)
Reporting from England

Bill Thomas

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Re: Ball Review Videos for Newbies
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2009, 09:29:09 AM »
All of what you suggest would be nice.  However, given that virtually every ball review video for whatever ball looks almost the same, stand left throw right and let the lane block carry the ball to the pocket, not sure that anyone woulfd be willing to make it.


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Re: Ball Review Videos for Newbies
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2009, 10:48:30 PM »
Thanks for the tip about the Jeff Ussery site Anglo, and I agree with you Bill.  The problem is it seems all vids out are the same.  Basically what I'd like to see is videos showing someone throwing a ball starting at a specific board to a specific target.  Then throwing a different ball from EXACTLY the same starting point to the EXACT same target.  It would be more effective for me to see balls compared that way.  Seeing one hit pocket while the other goes through the head or hits lite. The bowler can then comment about how he would use this or that ball for a specific lane condition, and how if he were to use this ball on this currect lane condition he would have to move his feet and/or his target x amount of boards 1 direction or the other.

Mike Austin

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Re: Ball Review Videos for Newbies
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2009, 04:44:45 PM »

I completely agree with you, and have thought about doing this kind of videos for a web site.  One problem though, is the typical house shot can make many balls react the same or similar.  It sometime takes radically different balls to get one that will do something different from the same spot on the lane.

(I gotta get a decent camera, and see what I can come up with)

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Re: Ball Review Videos for Newbies
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2009, 12:31:59 AM »
Here are a few that do that.

One is from Brunswick,the other ABS. One in English, one is not. Both do a good job of showing/comparing balls to others of that manufacture and what they are recommended for.

These first vids are by Brunswick, bowlstore edited the first few seconds to put their logo over the Brunswick opening screen. Good info on their equipment compared to their other product line up. Just watch one all the way through. It shows the line the bowler plays and how he adjust compared to the other balls from Brunswick and also how they are drilled. Some of the older ones showed the ball out of the box finish and then either dulled or shinned up as well.

ABS vids- Uses several different manufactures. Shows 3 different video angles, and has bowler comments.(none in english)
" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Ball Review Videos for Newbies
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2009, 02:36:34 AM »
The ABS videos are really good, and somebody (I think it was Jeff Ussery?) also used two cameras for the same shot, so you get two angles on one and the same shot - what helps IMO a lot to judge a ball's reaction.

Anyway, besides the fact that many ball videos look similar (well, we just have 39 boards, and the ball ...hooks!), it is hard to judge the recation because so many factors are involved. Almost nobody provides the conditions the ball is tested on, and even if you get that info, a) lane surfaces can have another huge impact and b) do we BELIEVE that it actually is a 42' flat sport shot and not a THS or another tampered thing?

While a video is entertaining, I fear we never come to a point where we could actually have a lab condition that allows a repeatable ball test. I'd even assume that a video is actually only meaningful for that specific ball and bowler.
When I tried to put toghether ball videos, I found myself ending up witha pretty long introduction into the ball specs, its layout, my style stats and (if possible) the lane condition. And even comparing balls takes a lot of "on air" time, unless you just use one shot.

For reference:

I think you can easily fill 10 min and more with "info" about just one ball.

Anyway, I support the idea of complete info and "neutral" ball testing with various players, drillings, surfaces and even lanes. But it literally takes time, both in preparation and broadcasting, and the circumstances will remain dubious.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Ball Review Videos for Newbies
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2009, 04:45:13 PM »
I agree with some of it.

I don't need to know everything, just a few things. Show the layout with your information, and how it is drilled in reference to your PAP. Along with ball speed. I can guess/have a general idea, of the rest with watching the vid.

From there just say walled up shot on synthetics or whatever. Or to go one better show a couple different bowlers from average to great. Or compare it with some other stronger and weaker products.

Here is an example

First two bowlers you think wow this ball is just sick. Shows how the ball is drilled in reference to their PAP and all of that good stuff.

You have an idea the shot is walled up but not sure by how much.

Then comes the 3rd bowler, nothing against this guy, but he doesn't do much to the ball at all and he is playing 25 at the arrows out to 10, 25 at the arrows out to 7, 25 at the arrows to about 15 with hold, then 20 at the arrows out to 5 and all get back to the pocket with ease.

WOW, this is the best wall ever,kinda. Now I know how great this ball would be if I ever got to bowl on that condition.

I'm just glad I bowl in a league with a guy on staff with Hammer and was able to get a great idea of what the ball would do where I bowl. It is a strong ball. I just wouldn't be able to base it off this vid above.
" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.