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Author Topic: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!  (Read 6684 times)


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5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« on: September 03, 2003, 05:51:40 PM »
Aw, now I see!

Last night we had 5 lefties on a pair.  5 righties too!
Typically in my practice sessions at this house I had a pretty tough time in practice as the shot was so wet.

Last night the shot opened up during practice and then changed in a pretty gradual consistent way!  Did not shoot big, but could have shot medium big if I wasn't feeling out ball reactions and first night get used to everything.

What are you righties complaing about again?

Looking forward to a shot that opens up all night!  Is this what it's like to be a righty?  Always have backend and just have to move your feet a little all night!?  Or as I like to say when I watch you guys.  Stomp left, fling right!
Now for us guys stomp right, fling left!

OH boy!


PS 3 on my team two on others.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2003, 09:22:02 AM »
Five and Five last night.

Oh the righties were hootin and hollerin last night before the start!

They were gonna tear it up.

Funny as the night went on our eyes got as big as saucers("is this what it's like to be a righty?  Boundless backend?").

The righties got real silent as we went up during the night and  they flattened out and went down.

It looked like they were having problems moving their feet one of their vaunted abilities?



It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2003, 09:22:50 AM »
Depending on the lane conditions, many righties would love to only have 4 others to contend with.  With 8 or 9 others, even mid level tweeners are often against the ball returns.

On edit, I've seen many of your posts, but I've never seen the lefties not have any backend.  I've seen quite a few who weren't capable of generating on their own, but that's a different story.

Penn State Proud ......THB with loft

Edited on 9/4/2003 9:33 AM


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2003, 10:03:14 AM »
Maybe that's me!

Last season I bowled in league that had no backend many of the weeks.

Rightys would have 15 boards with scout reactives we would have two with AMF Evolution Extra's.  I would have twice as much revs.

Now last night it was a fair fight!  They lost!



during the above nightmare season I bowled 25 sets with other lefties.
I was the high lefty except in 3 instances.  Including against a 221 bowler.

It seemed the pairs differed all over the house.  We followed a backup ball and plastic league and they reoiled and pretended to strip but it seemed you just got a lot of head oil and whatever backend was leftover.

When a regional came in and put a short oil pattern out, that left most of the  amateurs flustered into the 400 + area I shot about 660 scratch.  Then the regional shot looked easier than my league shot.

Edited on 9/4/2003 10:13 AM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2003, 10:42:15 AM »
and dont forget lucky lefty you guys get to close your eyes also

The Hose

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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2003, 10:51:08 AM »
LuckyLefty,   As a fellow lefty,  don't let the righties know about this.  
Let them go on a bash us because it makes them feel better.  

The other day, some cat (righty) said to me "When you bowl here, what percentage of time do you know when the ball leaves you hand do you know it's going to be in the pocket?"  I said I really had never thought of it and he said "For lefties, it's about 90% of the time, for us it's about 50% of the time".  Funny, this cat averages 228, had more 800's and 300's then anyone in the house last year.  What a joke!  This cat has no idea how easy this house is on the right.

It's just human nature for most people to make an excuse for someone beating them.  If it wasn't the lefties, it would be the crankers, tweeners, strighties.  

When a lefty wins, it's because they have a wall, if a righty wins, it's because they are good.

I bowled as a sub in a new house last year and we had 5 lefties and only 3 righties (4-man team).  They were so excited about not having to move and made jokes about us fighting it.  A certin lefty shot 300, 780.


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2003, 11:20:18 AM »
well in a house that only graduately moves it may be ok. But some houses have fried tracks that move a lot

but what about nights it moves 20 boards. Havent seen to many lefties walking around ball return or throwing over gutter caps. HAVE YOU?

and thats was only 5 lefties

we usually have 8 or 9 righties also

Dont swing it-if you cant bring it

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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2003, 11:55:28 AM »
Ok I'm a righty and I'm not really bashing any of the left handers out there but
you have to admit 85% of the lefties out there play outside of ten board!!FACT!!
Meanwhile you see the righties all over trying to find some kind of shot that wont change every other frame. I just hate the fact that the left handers wont admit the fact that on 90% of all shots out there its easier to score when your not moving all over to keep you ball from hooking to early or over skidding because of carrydown! FACT!

Its just a game? Yeah Right! 2nd place is the 1st loser


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2003, 12:09:27 PM »
His name was Max Klinger wasn't it?

He would have bowled even more 700's but his skirt got in the way.


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2003, 12:10:43 PM »
they can play outside ten becuse the house gives them the dry to the left,flood ten and out and make them play in where the the house puts the shot on the right,if the lefties are so good and winning everything on the outside ten shot why dont they win on the tour so much that is because the tour puts out the same pattern on both sides.

Game In a BoxLC

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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2003, 12:47:22 PM »
i wish i go to play ten with something other than a plastic zebra. im usually never outside of 15-20.

silly me i forgot lefties were supposed to be fudgers when i learned to bowl
am i still considered a lefty, i never get to play the left side of the lane

Game In a BoxLC

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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2003, 12:59:30 PM »
we have 3 lefties on our team, i made it so we all play right close to each other to make a huge track. Aaron our prototypical god lefty, he shoots 230 by accident goes straight up 10, josh our tweener is about 12-15. and me the cranker is about 15-20. all in all we end up complimenting each others shots nicely on the synthetics and pushing oil where each other needs it
am i still considered a lefty, i never get to play the left side of the lane

The Hose

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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2003, 01:05:20 PM »
Bottom line is this.  

   Righties are just better!  Earl Anthony sucked and he couldn't score unless he had a wall.  PBIII, please, that cat is a joke, Alby, Cook, Couch, Patraglia?  None of these cats could win if the right side was as easy as the left.

   So what do righties say when it's fresh and only 4 bowlers on a pair?  Oh, I forgot, the righties screw each other up and will not play the same line.

   A friend who is a lefty, changed to righty and averaged over 210 with each hand.  We bowled a tournament in Dallas not long ago together.  There were several squads to qualify and he had a marathon entry to bowl every squad.  After about six attemps as a lefty, he practiced throwing the ball right handed.  He has a good line and said that if didn't qualify the next attempt that he'd bowl a set as a righty.  Lucky for him, he qualified.
When it came to the semi-finals, the lefties didn't have nothing and we could not blow a hole in the shot.  It was a four game deal.  After two games, he switched and was +63 as a righty for two and was -16 as a lefty.

   Us lefies don't get respect because we don't deserve it, we are just lucky that we're left handed or we'd all suck


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2003, 01:36:56 PM »
we had a righty that never had an honor score or averaged over 210 for 15 yrs,he broke his arm and started bowling left hande and in 2 years had 4 300's,2 800's and had a high average of 228,he even said bowling on the left is a hit the hole just as long as you dont trip.


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2003, 01:56:11 PM »
I cannot hold my wrath against the brainless righties anymore. (not saying all righties are brainless just those who choose to make assinine comments about the lefties having it SOOO easy. Hey, if it that easy brenttsr why aren't you bowling lefthanded? Stop whining and start enjoying the game as it was meant to be played, from the leftside.
  I can believe certain houses favor lefties but let's not be ignorant here, the righties have an advantage at SOME houses also. Why can't we all just get along? Because Lefties are the only one's in their right mind.

Bowling is for sissies..ask Bones...