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Author Topic: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!  (Read 6685 times)


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5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« on: September 03, 2003, 05:51:40 PM »
Aw, now I see!

Last night we had 5 lefties on a pair.  5 righties too!
Typically in my practice sessions at this house I had a pretty tough time in practice as the shot was so wet.

Last night the shot opened up during practice and then changed in a pretty gradual consistent way!  Did not shoot big, but could have shot medium big if I wasn't feeling out ball reactions and first night get used to everything.

What are you righties complaing about again?

Looking forward to a shot that opens up all night!  Is this what it's like to be a righty?  Always have backend and just have to move your feet a little all night!?  Or as I like to say when I watch you guys.  Stomp left, fling right!
Now for us guys stomp right, fling left!

OH boy!


PS 3 on my team two on others.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


Game In a BoxLC

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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2003, 01:59:12 PM »
right handers have never experienced carrydown or OB like left handers have for as long. u got 9 guys to carve out an ob. we dont and we have it all tournament
am i still considered a lefty, i never get to play the left side of the lane

The Hose

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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2003, 02:07:10 PM »
Brent, if it was so easy for this cat to switch, why don't you?  Isn't giving up two years to have 4-300's and a couple of 8's worth it?  
Geez, I must really suck, I"m been lefty all of my life and have never booked 228.  I think I'll just quit.

  Here is something to think about.  I shot 740 the other night.  I threw the ball pretty good but had one shot that I missed left by a few boards and it came back and struck, another ball, I tugged a few and it held enough to trip out the 6.  On the most part, the other balls were pretty close (within a board or two).  But you should have heard the righites cry.  "Geez, Hose has the whole lane"

   Not long ago, one of the highest average righties wanted to see how accurate we were.  We put sheets of paper one both sides about the 40 foot mark.  After about 8 balls we picked them up.  His had an area about 6 inches wide and mine had one about three.  His scores were,  xxx,9/,8/,xxx.  Mine were 9/,81,x,8/,xx,9/,9/.   He hit the pocket more then I did, yet wasn't as accurate.  I haven't heard a word from him about me having "everything" and him having nothing.

   My point is this, it's not hard to learn to bowl as a lefty (Brent pointed that out to us).  If it's really that much easier, why are not more doing it?

   I can assure you, if I thought that if was an overwhelming advantage to bowl as a righty, I'd learn.


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2003, 02:07:39 PM »
so a little carrydown so you move left a little that is sure better than throwing it over the gutter cap on the right have you ever had to do that,i didnt think so


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2003, 02:08:48 PM »
all you lefties that think your good should go on tour then you will realize how much you really suck

The Hose

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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2003, 02:34:09 PM »
Here is Brent's profile

ball speed 18 mph,high track-High End Tweener
2002 ave-228
favorite balls X-Factor,X-Factor Reloaded,Cherry Bomb And Freak Out
high track-pap 5.25" over and 0.25" up

Dude, you must really bowl in a Brickyard, only 10-300's and a 228 average?
You must really be great at splitting boards.
Are your really Walter Ray or Norm Duke?
Let me ask you this?  Are you a PBA member?  What region?  What is your PBA average?  A board splitter like yourself must be one of the best in the world.
Congrats,  you have every right to bash lefties, you've proved our greatness.

Rags, I would only be able to send you one ball if I quit.  Lefties only need to throw one ball everywhere we go.  All we have to do is fluff anywhere outside 10 and we strike.

Sorry, I'm still laughing.   I tweener who has to loft gutter caps.  Now that is funny.


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2003, 02:34:38 PM »
I'm not going to get into the left/right debate again because it's been beat into the ground more than the Lane #1 price performance issue, so I'll try this minor thread hijack:

When it came to the semi-finals, the lefties didn't have nothing and we could not blow a hole in the shot.  It was a four game deal.  After two games, he switched and was +63 as a righty for two and was -16 as a lefty.

Hose, is it legal to qualify with one hand, then change in the middle of competition?  Is this ABC, or PBA competition?  I know if you want to bowl with each hand, you have to establish an average with each hand and pay for 2 separate cards.
Penn State Proud ......THB with loft


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2003, 02:39:58 PM »
hose you dont have a profile right your just great right


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2003, 02:46:25 PM »
what do you average hose 180 on a dead wall

The Hose

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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2003, 02:56:23 PM »
Brent,  I'm up to 187 on dead walls.   I don't have a profile because I rather not use it as a bragging board.

Any reason why you refuse to answer my questions?

Strider,  this was not an ABC tournament.


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2003, 03:07:21 PM »
187 i averaged that when i was 11


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2003, 03:24:50 PM »

  Hose competes at the PBA regional level.

Lefties all,

  Let's see if brent's leftsided mind can absorb this info.

Bowling is for sissies..ask Bones...

The Hose

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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #27 on: September 04, 2003, 03:27:50 PM »
Well, you've come a long way in two years    j/k dude.
Most house shots are pretty easy reguardless of which side you throw from.
I'm only assuming that your 228 average is on a house shot and an easy one at that.  I really have no way of know other then your honesty.  
I have ask you questions in which you have decided not to answer for some  reason.  

We all need to face facts, house condtions are easier then tour or sport shots.  We don't have to split boards in order to hit the pocket.

Another story,  a guy named Scroggins, Rick Lawerence, and a few other PBA lefties and myself bowled a deal a few weeks ago.  We all bowled a 4 game block the last set before they re ran lanes for the semi-final matches.   Almost all of us were between 150 and 200 over for 4.  They ran the lanes and the top lefty was +20 for 4.  Did we all of a sudden suck?  I'll not put myself in Scroggs catagory but even he couldn't play on it.
It's all about the laneman, he can make us look good or make us look stupid.


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2003, 03:38:05 PM »
I took an hour away from this forum or two.

Hmmm,,, This has become an interesting conversation!



It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2003, 03:45:13 PM »

This is one of the better post I've seen in 2 hours!

Um,me I like to use both hands(aka I mean one at a time of coarse).

Hey!Obviously my left sucks more than my right,but I think its cool to
have an EMERGENCY hand/arm to bowl with.

Soooo,if someone has any problems with lefties,just become a lefty yourself
and ya got the BEST of both worlds!!!!!I bowl left handed "once" a week,no matter if the shot is walled or not.


I hope you guys resolve your LEFTY vs RIGHTY crisis.

I'm done!Be cool!

I gotta go reply somewherze elze.


The Hose

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Re: 5 lefties on a pair, so what!
« Reply #30 on: September 04, 2003, 03:59:45 PM »
Hose, now I know you're lying. I thought the only thing Scroggins couldn't play was the gravel road behind the bowling alley.

Exactly my point. They were nasty.
BTW, DJ Archer(righty) was 290 over for four after the run.  272 is a pretty good average.