Brent, if it was so easy for this cat to switch, why don't you? Isn't giving up two years to have 4-300's and a couple of 8's worth it?
Geez, I must really suck, I"m been lefty all of my life and have never booked 228. I think I'll just quit.
Here is something to think about. I shot 740 the other night. I threw the ball pretty good but had one shot that I missed left by a few boards and it came back and struck, another ball, I tugged a few and it held enough to trip out the 6. On the most part, the other balls were pretty close (within a board or two). But you should have heard the righites cry. "Geez, Hose has the whole lane"
Not long ago, one of the highest average righties wanted to see how accurate we were. We put sheets of paper one both sides about the 40 foot mark. After about 8 balls we picked them up. His had an area about 6 inches wide and mine had one about three. His scores were, xxx,9/,8/,xxx. Mine were 9/,81,x,8/,xx,9/,9/. He hit the pocket more then I did, yet wasn't as accurate. I haven't heard a word from him about me having "everything" and him having nothing.
My point is this, it's not hard to learn to bowl as a lefty (Brent pointed that out to us). If it's really that much easier, why are not more doing it?
I can assure you, if I thought that if was an overwhelming advantage to bowl as a righty, I'd learn.