Looks like you have most of your bases covered so you should be in great shape to encounter just about any conditions. Without knowing your style (speed, rev rate, etc) here are a couple observations that you're currently lacking and may want to consider:
A) heavy oiler asymmetric. You mention that you don't think you'll need an asymmetric, and I'm guessing your DDT is your heaviest oil option. However you may want something with a higher diff. to cover more boards before going to your DDT. Idol and Code X would fill that gap.
B) low differential solid. You mention that you prefer stronger covers, which you have plenty of, but perhaps a low differential option like the Hustle INK or IQ Tour Solid could come in handy.
C) pearl coverstock. Sounds like you don't prefer pearl coverstocks, but something that can give you more length than your Hy-road could be beneficial. Hy-road Pearl, Soniq, Marvel Pearl are great options.