My wife, secretary, started what she calls a "Golden Envelope" award. Usually nothing more than a small trophy with the team name on it but it's for the one team that never had a payment problem, always 100% correct, never had to 'run down the envelope' that sort of thing.
She's been doing that for 3 years now and it's funny to see the teams that really try hard to 'get on the list'. It has become some sort of 'thing' to be the best in that respect. Sure has helped her out when trying to figure out those dang payment envelopes, she says.
She's come up with things as in, worst game, worst series more funny than anything else. Last year we had a 'good bowler' win the "worst game" award. I was surprised how he took it, was making all sort of jokes about how he tanked a game but still came back and kicked butt. We all had a good laugh. It's different but we're a mixed league and everyone ( most anyway ) enjoy all the ribbing.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro