I am going to buy 2 new balls to build an arsenal with my track heat 2 ( thats my ball to play in short oil conditions...if anyone can tell me a ball with similar reaction i wll be glad...what i love about this ball its that it give me the lenght i need to bowl near the gutter in short patterns but still it doesnt over react when it hits the dry)
I am going to replace the dimension and the BW bite.
I am a very versatile bowler (that doesnt mean good bowler) i have 3 releases 2 ball speeds so i can play anywhere from 2 to 30 at the boards.
But my A game its about 17 mph with 400 rpm
What i want its two balls that could give me different looks i mean i dont want similar reactions..
I was thinking on a virtual gravity for the longest and heaviest patterns...but my main concern is the ball to bowl in medium because what i was looking its a ball that will be in the same distance up to the track heat and down to the virtual gravity.
I was thinking maybe a cell pearl,but i was concern that that ball will be too close to the virtual...so i am open to any suggestions
sory for my english..i am from argentina
thanks a lot